2014.05.17 | Confused | Random Blog

HI GUYS. /flails/

I'M ALIVE~ \o/

lol, yep. it's been a while since i've blogged on here...


these past few days have been filled with unexpected situations, right? the only one i'm really thinking about right now is the whole "Kris leaving EXO" ordeal; to be honest, the whole situation is really confusing me. it's messing with my school work, too, because everyone's all, "oh, kris is the victim." "kris is betraying exo and sment." and "sment is messing up again big time."

oh, you guys want to know what pisses me off the most? :D

being informed that fans of the other members, the other members, and the other members' families are being, basically, hated on for being disappointed in kris. i mean, like, what. i don't appreciate this.

i know you guys might be annoyed with this subject since everyone is talking about it, but i'm serious right now. i hate how the fandom is treating each other right now. hating other fans of other members, cursing the other members and their families.

i know blaming everyone wouldn't really help with anything, but i'm gonna put my little blame session here:

1.  blaming kris since he is kind of being disappointing right now. i mean, their comeback show is in less than a week or so; the other members probably have to come up with new routines; kai's waist injury seems to be getting worse; fans are bashing each other just because they support different members. please, guys. can't we be civil about this and just support all twelve of them, no matter the end results?

2. blaming sment because, i swear, they seem to always be driving away people. i mean, with the who dbsk-jyj issue, and the hangeng issue, too, i'd think that they'd get the message and lighten up on their contracts or something. oh, by the way guys, not sure if you all know this, but blaming lee soo man isn't going to really do anything. he's not the ceo anymore anyways; kim youngmin had been the ceo for quite a few years now. the least you could do to show that you support sm is to know that they had a change in ceo position. orz (DON'T HATE ME FOR SAYING THIS.)

3. blaming exo stans because...just because. as i said earlier, WHY CAN'T WE BE CIVIL ABOUT THIS. i'm serious. sure, you guys are disappointed in kris/exo/sment/other random people who aren't even related to this issue, but is it really worth it? instead of causing the exo members (all twelve, may i add) to worry, can't we just support them so they can solve this as quickly as possible. like, the new-anti fans trying to cause harm to the exo members (besides kris) by spreading false, negative rumors and getting them into the top searches; the new anti-fans who are dragging family members of the other exo members into this (though, may i add, lay's mother did quite an amazing job telling off one of the anti-fans). to all the anti-fans out there, stop being so immature and place your "weapons" down. no need to cause harm, no need to bash; we're one, aren't we? so act like it.

yep. i don't think i made any sense in blog post, but oh well. needed to let off some steam somewhere.

until next time!

remember. try to lessen the amount of negative exo searches by clicking on the links to spread positive ones.


boop! there you go. SPREAD THE POSITIVITY~ (i sound like my positive friend, now. what do i do? :P)

hm...anything else...



gonna go now.

don't hate me for this. ;~;



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VickyYoungmin #1
Hyung chincha daebak!