My Idol Mommy | estelle kim

Username: shinjigetintheobot
Nickname: shinji
Activity: 10



Character Basics

Birthname: estelle kim
Other Names: kim hye kyo ; korean name
↪ stella ; literally everyone calls her this, because 'estelle' sounds too stuffy
Birthday + Age: 07/27/1985 ; 29
Ethnicity: korean
Nationality: korean

↪ english ; native
↪ korean ; fluent
↪ standard mandarin ; semi-fluent
↪ japanese ; proficient
madison wisconsin, usa
Hometown: [anywhere; if there are multiples just explain in background or trivia section]
[in cm]
Weight: [in kg; make her healthy]
ual Orientation: [heteroual, homoual, panual, aual, biual, etc.]
Romantic Orientation: [can be same or different from ual orientation]

More in Depth

estelle... how do i explain i kim estelle? estelle is flawless. i heard her hair's insured for $10,000. i heard she does car commercials. in japan. her favorite movie is my neighbor totoro. one day she met 2ne1's cl, and she told her she was pretty. one time she punched me in the face. and it was awesome.

but woah woah woah guys, stella's not like that at all like??? stella's honestly a simple girl who puts her bra on one at a time. she's best described as "kool aid in a wine glass" because she looks very high maintenance and unreachable but its funny because stella is honestly just a dumb short kid who likes bugs and taking selfies and studio ghibli films too much. stella never understood why so many people thought she was cool, one time she tried to jump over a chair put ended up tripping over it mid-air and was practically split in half by it. stella still counts on her fingers. she once said, "a circle has 8 sides". she once thought the sahara desert was in america and to make it worse, she called it the sahara dessert. it was so embarrassing and she felt like she was going to die.

stella has to be the biggest drama queen since julius caesar. everything is either really amazing like the grace of god or everything has been cursed and she's going to die right that second. there's no in between. stella overreacts to just about everything, someone ate her food? wow everyone in this dorm must hate her, she didn't even do anything all she wanted was to eat her gosh darn food. someone scared her? wow is she going into cardiac arrest i think she is call an ambulance. she exaggerates literally everything and abuses the word "literally" all too much. with natural charisma and a boisterous presence, its impossible to ignore stella, which is great because she loves being the center of attention. stella was made for the stage, she was made to have all eyes on her, and she always has great stories and jokes up her sleeve. stella tells too many bad puns and just in general terribly unfunny jokes but refuses to acknowledge it. every time she opens people either cringe, groan, or get ready to laugh because odds are the next thing out of will be something really really stupid.

"like zooey deschanel only not awful" describes stella perfectly. hope you like feminist rants, that's kinda her thing. she truly believes in advancing the rights of all women and stella feels duty bound to promote the wellfare and self-esteem of all women because it absolutely is not okay for super junior to say that fat girls don't take care of themselves when shindong looks like he reeks of cheese and nasty ballsack. stella passionately supports a few key causes like going green and gay marriage and universal healthcare. and even though she doesn't seem like the smartest, she is one who you don't want to pick an argument with about these things with because she will obliterate you while defending her beliefs very eloquently and stubbornly. stella gets excited over weird and mundane things that make people think she's crazy. if she sees bunnies playing she'll coo in adoration, or she'll gasp and place a hand over her heart if a baby grabs her finger, she stops to pet every pet, and nearly cries when she gets extra chicken nuggets with her happy meal. there are times when stella's head is in the clouds, but she is by no means flighty. she was just chasing down a though that was more interesting than the conversation at hand. stella is much more tough than the world percieves her. don't be fooled by the big eyes and the flowy clothing--stella kim is a force to be reckoned with. she has no fear of bugs and no desire to be anyone's damsel in distress. stella can be super gullible. she'll listen to any tale wide-eyed and is very easy to trick. someone once told her they had a pet dinosaur and was using very palentologistic words and stella just listened on in awe before asking, "can i get it in pink?". she's also playful and whimsical, and if you hang out with her enough, you'll find yourself laughing at yourself more and taking life less seriously.

stella is a valliant person, and wants to set an example for young girls everywhere, not just korean girls. she wants to show them that they can be pretty, smart, funny, and talented, and that they can have as high standards as they want. she presents herself as the strong, charming dream girl for brooding guys in bands. she's the kind of gal guys write rock songs for, and she's pretty irresistable and loveable. as for insecurities, stella seems to mask them like a pro. her main concern is her image. she has to be mature and womanly, but be hairless like a young girl. she has to be smart, but not smarter than a guy. she has to have ambition, but not so much that it intimidates men. she can't be a , but has to be modest, but take it off when a guy asks. there's so much she has to be and it's so stressful but she does it because she wants to set a good example for girls everywhere. stella keeps herself in a+ condition, skinny, petite, delicate looking. stella makes looking good and modeling and being an internet sensation look easy and inspires young girls every day to find their beauty. so, as long as she can at least inspire one girl to find the beauty in themselves, she'll keep on going with it.

as a mom, stella's all for teaching her children how to shoot for the stars. she let's them ask question and she answers it truthfully, she'd even asnwer "where do babies come from" truthfully. she encourages them to pursue whatever they want to and is teaching them how to be independent and how to love one another. stella talks openly around her children, even about feminist issues because she will raise them to dismantle the patriarchy.  she's the "fun parent" and is always up for late night adventures and play time and extra dessert, and her fiance certainly has his hands tied with her.

Likes: [at least 5]
Dislikes: [at least 5]
Habits: [at least a couple]
Hobbies: [at least two]
Trivia: [at least three; no limit.]
Pet(s): [optional; hyperlink a picture for easy reference]

Supporting Cast

[relation | name | age | birthday | occupation | short personality | closeness (1-10) | how they interact; idol siblings allowed]

Friends: [include best friend(s) here as well; they will be a closness of 10]
[name | age | birthday | occupation | short personality | how you met | closeness (1-10) | how they interact; ocs allowed, optional]

[name | age | birthday | occupation | short personality (actual personaliy + personality around you) | how you met | severity of rivalry (1-10) | cause of rivalry | how they interact; ocs allowed, sibling rivalries, friendly rivalries, severe rivalries - all allowed, optional]

The Journey Forward

Background/History: [quality over quantity, but I love details. At least 2 good paragraphs; but hey, I'm always up for more]

Trainee Years: 6
Label: yg
Pre-Debut Experience: [CFs, dramas, MV appearances, etc]
Trainee History: [just a short paragraph; how was she treated, etc; did anyone know of her child/children? did she have the children as a trainee?]

Group: 4U
Position: vocalist, face of the group
Stagename: stella kim (even though everyone calls her 'stella' it's officially stella kim)
Persona: oppa's ideal type ; she's like a mother's friend's son, only she's your oppa's perfect girl
Personal Fanclub: loves
Fanclub Color(s): #FFA3D9 ; electra heart

Social Media: [facebook, twitter, me2day, etc]
Solo Activities: [if she isn't a soloist]

Group History: [their debut song? their debut date? any awards? are they really popular or more of a slightly unknown group? was she in the original line up or was she a last minute addition? does she get along with her group members? How many people are in this group? think of it as a sort of summary of the group's wikipedia page. if she's a soloist, then just give me debut song and date, awards, etc]]

The Netizens: [just a short bit of what netizens think of her. is she popular among fans or is she the straightforward member than people feel is awkward? Be creative. what do they know about her personal life - if anything at all?]

The Face

Ulzzang: kiko / jooyi
Pics: xx oo

Back Up: chany
Pics: xo

Bundle of Joy



Name: sherlock nam
Other Name(s): nam yeong chan

↪ world's only consulting detective ; used by stella, because sherlock holmes created the occupation and his name is sherlock
↪ sherlock holmes ; used by his dad, since he's not as savvy as stella is when it comes to sherlock
Birthday + Age: april 18th, 2008 ; 6
Bloodtype: o+
Father: ellington nam
Appearance: mason moon



Name: juniper nam
Other Name(s): nam eunsoo

↪ june/juni ; used by dad & mom respectively
Birthday + Age: 01/21/2009 ; 5
Bloodtype: ab-
Father: ellington nam
Appearance: lauren hanna lunde



Name: mabel nam
Other Name(s): nam gook hee
Nickname(s): n/a
Birthday + Age: 12/25/2011 ; 3
Bloodtype: o-
Father: ellington nam
Appearance: soo yeon

Life Support


Love Interest: ellington nam ; oc
Status: engaged
Birthday + Age: 12/01/1985 ; 29
How they met:
How they interact: 
What do they think of her going on this show?: 
he's fine with it, although he's a bit jealous that they asked her and not him and his band 
Is he the father? yes, of all three

[replace with pic/gif of back up; if an oc, give appearance name in comments/concerns section]

Back Up:
Birthday + Age: 
How they met: 
How they interact: 
What do they think of her going on this show?:

Is he the father?: yes, of all three

Here's the End

Comments/Concerns: ellington's face claim: jo geun hyeon
Scene Requests: 

A Little Extra
[this is where you'll put first impressions on other applicants. did you possibly meet them at a performance, did you train together? did you get along? I will update whenever there are new applicants, so you'll know when to go check. I know this is a lot for some people, but it really does help build relationships between the girls. ^^]


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