Oneshot written for me :3

I'm just curious sooo...

My question is...

Anyone of you has fanfic(s) written for you?

It can be friend(s) write for you.

Or...well, idk...just, it's written for you.

Can be request...

Or, can be gift...

In my case, I have 2 completed, one hanging-which I think the author won't ever finish -__-


Let me talk about the hanging first...

More than a year ago, I was wandering strangers' blogs (yes, wander again)...then I saw this blog with content kinda like, "Donate karma points, receive oneshots."

I donated 200 points cause I didn't need them then...I didn't need the authors to write oneshot for me either cause well, I don't really like the give-take thingy like that...

But she insisted on writing me one -_-...alright then...I give her the bias...who is Chanyeol...and she did post a foreword with something like...a girl was going to committing suicide when Chanyeol stopped her...

Then she left the oneshot hanging like that...

-_- I don't bother reminding her tbh, I was just a bit disappointed she couldn't keep her words...after 1 year subscribe to it, I unsub and well...just let things be...


Now about the completed one <3 ♥♥♥♥♥

This one...I kinda requested from the author...cause I saw that she often wrote for her readers, friends...

She is my most favorite author on AFF and will always be...

Here is my PM to her for the first time...LOL~I was quite straight-to-the-point, wasn't I?


  • solarflare (Nov 12, 2013 23:32:23)
    Thank you ♥

  • (that part is her reply...meh...I delete, won't let you guys read :3)

  • Wonachan (Nov 12, 2013 22:18:39)
    Author-nim! I really love your stories and your writing <3. Can you write a oneshot for me? I'm jealous of the ones who you wrote fics for them ;___;


Then we talked some more and discussed the oneshot :"3

And here is the oneshot...which I loved soo much OTL...

You see? "For W ♥ "...hehe...for me~~~

She probably won't read this blog but meh...who cares

Love you, author-nim <333


Alright, back to the about you guys?


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I never had anyone write anything directly for me but a friend and I were making up stuff and she then wrote it down. That was nice :)
Rather than to have someone write things for me, I think I prefer to sit down with others and make up stories together
Wow Wona you're so lucky~~~~ I've never had someone write a one shot for me. *pouts*
ummmm.... one author written two oneshot for me, but I kinda forgot the name >< lol
Ummmm me ans my friend are really close so she wrote one oneshot dedicated to me and one about me. She would often use me as a character in the story since it is based of her real lifr at skool and etc and she would write about it.
kpopluvr27 #5
No, but one of my good friends says that she is going to write something for me with U-Kiss! It made me really happy, because U-Kiss was one of my first favorite groups. Does this count? It hasn't happened yet, but she said she's going to do it. So, I'm happy. Even the thought that she is going to write one makes me excited. And if she doesn't write it, I'm still happy that she thought about writing one for me.

May I ask: Why Bang Yongguk? Was he your bias at the time?
I've won a oneshot before.
Some people are just lucky....bleh~
My friend wrote a story for me, based on my real life. It's hanging as well but i dont mind abt that because we both are busy hahaha
newgirl #9
My aff bestie wrote a oneshot for my bday.
And one of my other friends is gonna write one for me too. Idk why,but that's sooo nice of her :)
My friend, POTAOTO wrote an oneshot for me eonnie :3
She used my Korean name *lol I use an app to translate my name, but it's kinda wrong*