How to Improve My Relationship With My Mother? Please help me.

I have a difficult time getting along with my mother. I can't even explain exactly WHAT the issue is—but somehow there's almost always some sort of friction between us. She's constantly finding things for me to do, improve, change and aspire to. For some reason, she makes it a point to always disagree with me on everything. She interrupts me mid-sentence constantly, though I've asked her many times in many ways not to. When I do address an issue between us, it is always in a loving manner. If it isn't, she blows up in a furious rage and perceives it as an attack, and then proceeds to blame it on my father. At 14 years old, I still live at home, and so it is difficult to escape being around her much of the time. Though I expend as much energy as I can keeping the peace between us, somehow I always say the wrong thing. I don't know exactly what I'm trying to get at here, but ultimately my mother makes me feel suffocated, lacking in every area, and just generally emotionally messy.

I NEED to make peace, because when I don't, I end up in a state of pressure and pain—neither of which is conducive to attracting beneficial circumstances into my life. I am ENTIRELY willing to accept full responsibility and make the changes necessary in myself without involving her at all. I just don't know how.

But I really do love her ... I don't want to hurt her :( ...




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Blackpearl23 #1
Talk to her or even write a letter telling her how you feel. I had the same problem before so I calmly discussed it and lately she's treating me in a kinder way. I hope it works out. Good luck :)
shining_writer #2
Write a letter to her. That's how I eventually solved my conflict with my mother. Tell her your thoughts.