To angelily95 - Friendship interview, others...ignore, not for you

First things first, why did you even wallpost my sub-account? Like seriously, I don't understand why don't you just post it on this account...y_y

I must say I was pretty mad and hurt when I didn't receive your wallpost yesterday...

But yeah, I think you had your reasons, you thought I'm on hiatus...blah blah blah...still, I was mad and hurt...

And today...I logged on that account and saw your wallpost...adasfkghdfklhjfjhk...mixed feelings...

Ok, I will just answer your questions now...


1. where are you from? should know already...I'm from Viet Nam.

2. what do you think about malaysia? ( only answer this if you are non malaysian)

Hmm...I think Malaysia has a lot in common with Vietnam. Yep...difference in religion though...and your country has 2 big parts, right? I don't really know much about it tbh...

3. are you still studying or working already? how old are you actually?

I'm still studying...have never worked yet...I'm 19 this year, same birth month with you...

4. what is your ambition? do you think I should involve myself in entertainment/modelling industry if I failed physics paper again? A friend of my mother offered me to be a model for hijab's brand. 

My ambition is to work for a commercial company. Hmm, Seems like you really don't want to study your physics...but I still think you should try to finish it...about entertainment/modelling industry, you have passion so you should follow it...and with your personality, I think you could be success in it to an extent...still, this career is usually should keep for yourself a side job/occupation...

5. do we follow each other on twitter? did we ever talked there? if you dont have twitter, why?

I do have twitter but I don't think I follow you...I'm not active there...I made it just well, follow the trend -_-

6. are you happy right now? 

More or less...

7. ever think of meeting me in real world? if i ever visit your country, will you come and greet me?

I don't think of meeting any of my international online friends to be honest...even the friends in my country that I know online...don't plan on meeting any unless the circumstances are very convenient for us to meet...

If you come to my country, like I said...if the circumstances allow us to...

8. say something to me. what do you think about me? any advise? opinion? hehe

You are a bit closed up more? but well, if you are comfortable being that way, be that way...


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