
Hey guys:)

I am like 99% sure I spelt that wrong, but we'll let it go (let it gooooo can't hold back anymoreeeee). If any of you knew me in real life, you would know, I put things off to the max. I am not even kidding you when I say

"Yeah, I put off everything."

I mean it. Showering, eating, updating, homework, everything you can think of, I'll justt say

"Yes Mum, I'll do it later."

You can even tell with my updates. I should be writing 'unexpected meetings' and 'Fake Smile(s?)" (Yes, I forgot the name...), but instead I'm on tumblr and listening to 'Black Tinkerbell' by ChoColat (amazing song btw).

I've been "writing" my next chapter for half an hour now, and I only have 31 words.... like what is wrong with me?

If I go on a 3 month hiatus (again sorry about that._.) it's not that I hate writing, it's just I have the attention span and memory of a gold fish (hopefully not the life span though).

I mean, with my stories (most of the time) it's not a case of procratonation (How the hell do you spell that?) it's more that I have about a gazillion stories (because I'm so smart to start them all at once)

The unexpected meetings


Fake smiles


Love or hate


Love is Learnt


Your life with SHINee


his struggle-wattpad

You see, this is what I'm dealing with here. Then my friends want me to write stories for them (they pretty much always bring me paper and say; "write ") which takes out more time AND I JUST CAN'T

I hope you don't mind my mindless rambling about whatever this is



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Yeah, it's procrastinating