" debut :: || [[ chung mudae ]] application example

    " [[ chung mudae :: ]]

name || chung mudae
other names || 
+ mumu :: when he was a kid, he used to ask his mother for milk by saying "moo." she started calling him mumu because of it, and he's hated it ever since.
 || male

age || 23, 24
birthdate || 18.12.1991
height+weight || 179cm, 61kg
ethnicity || 100% korean
birthplace+hometown || incheon, south korea
languages || 
+ korean ( fluent ) :: he was born and raised in south korea.
+ japanese ( conversational ) :: he picked it up for a tv show he went on and learned enough to speak pretty well and hold a conversation. he has a pretty good accent too, but sometimes his korean accent shines through.

plotline || the get-out-of-jail-free card

faceclaim || nam woong
back-up faceclaim || n/a
style || while mudae loves being the center of attention, strangely enough his clothing style is more monochrome or with lighter colors rather than vibrant and flashy. he thinks he looks best in those kinds of clothing, rather than wearing things that make him stand out too much, and makes up for his lack of flashy colors with his personality instead. he hates glasses, so he avoids those as much as possible, but has a variety of head gear he's willing to wear. formally, he dresses up very neatly, but casually he prefers loose clothing. when he's acting, he'll try to stick to a style that suits his character best, even if he has to negotiate with his stylists. he has his own kind of flair, and doesn't like having other people tell him how to dress. even if he has to go along with his stylist's choices, he will try to add his own kind of style into it, and use his own preferences to model his dress.

+ casual | 1 2 3
+ formal | 1 2 3

likes ||
+ flavoured milk (especially strawberry)
+ strawberry flavour and strawberries
+ any kind of tea
+ laundry
+ vlogging
+ selcas and polaroids
+ k-dramas
dislikes ||
+ holes in clothing
+ sasaengs
+ small cars (carsickness)
+ people interrupting him
+ feedback noise
+ people touching his hair without permission
+ books with no pictures
hobbies ||
+ buying polaroid cameras and taking hundreds of pictures with them of himself and his friends, then sticking them all into a photo album.
+ excessively shopping and bringing home too much stuff, so he has to return a third of it.
+ kite flying.
habits ||
+ putting his feet up on tables.
+ brushing his teeth in the shower.
+ making peace signs to the cameras.
trivia ||
+ he almost passed out the first time he tried dyeing his hair from the fear that he wouldn't look as good as he used to after he changed his hair color.
+ he ended up dyeing it back to black afterwards and is still iffy on the idea of hair dye.
+ carries a compact mirror and eye liner stick, everywhere.
+ he likes the smell of freshly dried laundry.
+ one of his pet peeves is when people don't properly fold their clothing before putting them into drawers.
+ that is the reason why the only neat place in his room is the inside of his dresser.
+ he gets carsick if they're driving in anything smaller than a van, including a taxi.
+ can easily take a perfect selca.
+ frequently checks on and keeps up to date with his fansites.
+ is a king of aegyo, (not so) secretive skinship and fanservice.
+ he has a tendency to overshop anytime he walks into a store, so his room is cluttered with hoards of knick knacks and toys.
+ never forgets to wish his friends a "happy birthday!"
+ he is deathly afraid of spiders, and will scream like a little girl around them.

personality || having so much experience with being in the entertainment world, mudae is well aware of how to appease the fans. he's very confident in himself, upbeat and is very active since he always believes that he knows what he's doing and that what he's doing is for the better of either himself or those around him. because of his vibrance, he is often described as having a "princely" air to him, since he treats his fans like princesses and is usually polite and sweet. in fact he does his best to hide all his flaws or anything that doesn't work with his image. he wants to properly uphold his title and prove that he's worth all the love that his fans give him.

having always been center stage, mudae loves to be in the spotlight, and while he can be a bit of a narcissist he does have a sense of when he's taking his vanity a little too far. he spends a little too long taking care of himself, and sometimes can rub s the wrong way since he's a little self centered in his thought process. on the note of his vanity, mudae is in fact, kind of an attention hog. he is always taking photos of himself and his friends. he loves to look at himself, probably a little too much, and it can be very annoying for his other members, to the point that he has been scolded by his friends for being a little obnoxious since he's tried to give them style advice one too many times.

in spite of being a narcissist, he does sincerely love and adore his friends, and has a lot of respect for them, even if they can be rowdy and about his clear focus on his image. most of the time his intent is pure -- he likes beautiful things, so he wants to make other things to what he believes is ideal. the only exception so far is his room, which he for some reason has still never cleaned enough to look half decent. he is a little overwhelming sometimes, but if he's told explicitly that he's going to far he will do his best to tone it down. as hard-headed as the actor could be due to having so much background in entertainment, he'd rather not fight amoungst his friends or deny his elders.

most of the time, mudae is pretty relaxed and cool, furthering his princely image. he tries to remain calm in bad situations, since he knows he has a whole side to him he'd hate to unleash on anyone. he likes to be cute and funny, but he can also have a relatively easy going personality when he's not so focused on his face. alongside friends and in a completely casual setting, mudae is quite lovable and less over the top than the 95% of the time when he's putting on his ideal image. he's learned to react well to pressure over the years, and therefore can uphold his cool demeanor for quite some time.

that whole other side that mudae is aware of is actually, his temper. when he's angered, he's the least friendly thing around. he has very nasty reactions when he's ticked off and is very scary when he get mad or serious. he's been known particularly to react harshly to sasaengs, and has a very bad mean streak toward them since they almost injured his sister in a wild car chase. when he's annoyed, it's very obvious, and he grows cold and the tension around him usually doesn't fade for awhile. since it takes quite a bit to break his calmer exterior, it can take a lot for the offending party to make up for it. he believes that his anger is always justified, and can be very resentful even after getting over the mess. some things like what the sasaengs have done to his family won't ever be forgiven, and he does bear a very hard grudge to pass over.

background || ever since he was a child, image and looking good has been at the forefront of his life. his mother was a famous actress and his older sister became a teen model, so naturally mudae also learned to take care of his face at a very early age. with his mother's influence, he easily became a child actor and chose not to go to university due to his ridiculous schedules as he grew up and his training period in order to become an idol. being the youngest in his family also meant he was quite pampered, which helped explained how he ultimately became such an attention hog. his constant exposure to people and excessive experience in acting also easily developed his extroverted nature.

as a child he got a long well with most people, including his family. he loved his mother dearly, and while usually his father was travelling, he got along well whenever the man returned to south korea to see his family. he has a close relationship with his sister, even though she's almost five years older than him, but he is a little scared of her nasty temper that is quick to light fire unlike his own. in school, he had his fair share of admirers since he was an actor, and his love of art made him a close friend with a digital artist who he keeps in contact with to this day.

while he has taken care of his image since he was little, there was one accident in his youth where he broke his nose, and the despair wrecked him for awhile. he hid away and it took days for his family to coax him out of the house, and even then he'd wear a mask. in the end, despite his grievances toward getting cosmetic surgery, he ended up opting for rhinoplasty since his nose never healed quite the way he wanted to, and with the support of his friends and family he ended up back on his feet. the rhinoplasty also gave him enough faith in surgical tasks that he also chose to get laser eye surgery to fix his nearly blind left eye, that way he wouldn't have to wear a single corrective lense anymore. he doesn't like to talk about this period of his life much, mostly due to the weakness he showed and that he still doesn't like medical tasks much.

after the accident, he continued with his career, and he's been in quite a few movies, many dramas, and many shows. he even went to japan and learned basic japanese to be on a tv show there. a few weeks after he came back, he overheard travis and [the ring leader] speaking about their plans. inspired by their bravery, he decided to lend his family's aid in their venture.


    " [[ c.dae :: ]]

preferred positions || n/a
persona || crown prince
previous company || n/a

trainee years || n/a
trainee life || n/a
reason for leaving || n/a
part-time job || actor

singing twin || n/a
dancing twin || n/a
rapping twin || n/a
idol twin || n/a

** this section is left mostly blank for mudae because he will not be actually featured in the story. he is not an idol, never was a trainee, and only ever acted before. his stage name is mostly an alias he used since he was a child.


    " [[ lee hyun woo :: ]]

other names || 
+ woonie :: ever since hyun woo had the gall to call him "mumu," mudae decided he needed a pathetically adorable petname too. unfortunately, hyun woo never minded being called this.
 || male
age || 21
birthdate || 23.03.1993

personality || hyun woo is an exceptionally cheerful person despite having acted roles that required him to be less than amiable. he's usually grinning, smiles to light up the world, and happily expresses his opinions and is always there to offer a kind word. more often than not he'll be there to support his co-workers and give advice since he's been in the field of acting for so long. he's even willing to take some time out to help others and practice roles beyond the shoots if they need it. his selflessness is certainly one of his most endearing and defining character traits, and he loves being that kind of cheerful and vibrant person to make those around him just as radiant.

his kind demeanor however can be undermined by the fact he is a sensitive individual, and gets hurt or nervous relatively quickly. as an actor, he's mostly overcome this trait in receiving criticisms for his work, however in his more personal life he can become upset quite easily when those close to him strike a nerve. due to his nature, he can be very empathetic, but if there is hostility toward him then he doesn't know exactly how to respond. he's much better with dealing with sadness, rather than anger, since he himself doesn't get angry a lot. he prefers to remain calm and access the situation before letting that kind of emotion past.

hyun woo also has a tendency to overdo his selfless nature. he can drive himself into overworking and stresses out easily, and needs the constant support of people around him in order to stay on track. thankfully he has an extroverted nature to accompany this flaw, though at times so that he doesn't worry those around him, he will plainly keep his emotions a secret and avoid speaking about himself. he can be a little dim witted at times when it comes to personal care, and he probably understands other people better than he understands himself.

interactions || being that they were both childhood actors, it seems only natural to think that the two had become friends from their shared occupations right? not.. exactly. at first, mudae actually disliked hyun woo, particularly since he thought of him as annoyingly cheerful and a rival. they avoided each other, and usually only interacted because their parents forced them to. one unlikely day though, when mudae was having trouble in a scene and had gotten upset at the producer, hyun woo approached him and comforted him after the young actor had run off set and hid in a custodial closet. in the end, the five minutes they spent sitting together in the closet while mudae cried did more than enough to fix their rocky relationship.

after the initial bump in the road ( mostly due to mudae's reluctance to let hyun woo into his life ), things became smooth sailing after the custodial closet incident. they became the best of friends, talking to one another, supporting each other, and playing together whenever their parents would visit each other. eventually the playdates evolved to invitations to visit just between the two boys, and then as the two grew older, casual one on one hanging out all across south korea whenever their schedules weren't destroying them. they'd come to each other's shoots to support one another and called often whenever there was no way for them to meet in person for more than a few weeks.

there was obvious skinship between the two, and they loved to tease one another, particularly about their roles as being actors. as friends, they could talk to one another over just about anything, and they've had plenty of meaningful conversations since their bond grew. they would share their dreams, their lives and their secrets with each other. every secret but one.

when hyun woo ended up working with sm town's idols in the reproduction of the hit drama 'to the beautiful you', mudae ended up coming to the set to support him after a long while of the two not seeing each other in person. after the shoot, mudae invited hyun woo out like they used to, and they escaped the set to hang out together. at some point in the night, the two were rained out, and they laughed it off as karma for hyun woo taking the day off to hang out with mudae.

in the dark of night, sitting together sharing an umbrella, they ended up discussing their futures, their passions, their desires, and eventually the topic of love became touched upon -- particularly since hyun woo's current role was a boy questioning his uality since he was falling in love with a girl he thought was a boy. as their conversation got more personal and deep than ever, at some point, the rain was all but noticed as they ended up kissing one another beneath it. apparently the one secret they never shared was mutual.

in the end though, nothing came out of it. both agreed that night that the kiss was "practice", since they were always kissing girls in their movies and dramas, and they parted ways with just a bit of awkwardness. since then, they've both been busy with their careers and haven't talked as much as they used to. they still text and call one another, but they haven't hung out alone together since that night. the awkwardness died after a bit, but the overarching reality that they both refuse to answer to from that night still haunts mudae's dreams. even so, mudae still harbours feelings that he didn't know he could have for the other actor. he still secretly has hopes that one day the stalemate will end, and something will spark between them.
status || in denial

    " [[ debut :: ]]

aff name || shirouen
preferred name || kae

comments || n/a
questions || n/a
suggestions || n/a

scene requests || n/a

extra || " i want to do something for those people who will do anything for their dreams. "

layout by shirouen


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