I'm so sorry....

II'm so sorry...but I need some time off to think...everything is just so confusing, like not only with the thing that's going on with Exo, Kris and SM but I feel stressed because I don't know what to write and I'm just so ing stuck.


I don't know...there's this block in my mind and I can't write, if I do it'll...just be crappy and I'm sorry......I'm going to post one last story then I'm going to go on hiatus...

To all of my PT readers and my new story readers, I'm so sorry....hopefully when I come back I'll have amazing chapters for these stories....I love you all so much, thank you for...just subscribing, everytime I see someone subscribe I legit squeal.


To those who added me, you're jjang! <3 But if you wish to contact me, maybe even throw some ideas at me (everyone knows I need a kick in the , maybe motivation...it would be helpful ^^) then I have kakao and kik. Search me up, ButterflyBbobbo as usual and right now, and I have Facebook, I actually have two, but one is personal and the other is for kpop...well, to fangirl with kpop fans ^^


Here's the link : Facebook So add me on there, and...yeah...Bye guys...


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Ah nvm the link isn't working
Hang in there chica. I know it's hard. :( hopefully everything works out for the best. I'm gonna add you on fb