being the good kid...

is hard work.

you know how I'm from a single-parent family right? (not important) 

my mom's at work all day.

and we usually have a domestic helper.

but she left the country to visit her own country for a week and a half.

during which,

I volunteered to do chores.

(I never do chores. not because I don't want to, but because my mom never let me.)

& the first chore was washing dishes.

THAT was easy.

the second was vacuuming the whole house. ._.

I just finished doing that.

& I'm sooooo tired & sweaty.


oh well, it's kinda fun if you do it with kpop in your ear. 

(I blasted kpop in the living room and I could hear it all around the house-my house is one-levelled. xD)


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You're such a good kid ;~;
How I wish I can help my mom too..hahas.
I adore you <333
I really miss those times when my father wasn't around. CAN WE PLEASE SWITCH!
LonelyDay #3
You're one good kid ;__;
I adore you Tammy<3
Aww. You're such a good child<3
I only master washing the dishes. Hahaha. XD
You're such a good child.

my mom would freak if I did that xD
Aww you're such a good kid. My mom would love to have you around the house. XD
Aww...that's great :D
You must be a really sweet child.
I do a lot of housework in my house because I like cleaning :)
Awh, you're too sweet Tammy xD
I love you, Tammy. XD <3