Opinion about Kris' rumors and stuffs

Guys, you all knew what happened to this fandom, EXO Stan.
There are lots of stupid rumors out there about Kris, lots of wrong informations that could bring you into wrong judgment. Please, don't believe in everything you've seen, even its said that it is confirmed. It could be S.M who made those rumors to make Kris is the one to be blamed.
EXO Stan all knows Kris is like, right? He is a great leader, he won't make such a crazy decision only to help himself without having deep thought about others-- about s, about his fans. So, whatever his decision, even it will be the worst like quitting from S.M or EXO, its probably the best decision for him. In my opinion, don't force him too much, let him decide and don't make him feel worse. He took enough burdens, so enough for him to be pressured.
When Tao was the first one to say that EXO will do with 11 members, saying he is a betrayal. Can you believe this? This is totally bull, beside the fact that it posted via android unlike the usual, can you imagine Tao said that? If you are EXO stan, you guys knew he must be crying out loud.
There was hater who tried to make me mad, saying TaoRis isn't real and Tao was just another loser guy who didn't believe in his friend or something. Blah, blah, blah. And I'm saying to the hell with this girl.
We can't change anything. We are not CEO, or even important person inside the company. What could we do is just hoping for the best, for everyone, for EXO, and for Kris.
P.S: actually I finished the chapters of Homeward, my ff. But I felt like tired and lazy to post it, since it has Kris inside. So I will post it after this rumors and stuffs are gone. Thanks.


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