To all my readers

Hey dearies,

It's been a while since I updated my blog. If you have noticed, I also do not update my story that frequently anymore. 

Well, I am going to leave home in a few days. Orientation week starts on next monday and I heard it will be a five-day torture. Oh well, I can only tell you how it is really like after I have a taste of it.

Anyway, I am writing this to inform you all that I will not be able to update my story as frequently as I did before. Before this I did think of finishing the story before I go over to college but it just did not work out. *due to some reasons. Tbh, my laziness strikes in and I get homesick even before I leave home. How pathetic is that D:*

But one thing that is for sure is that I AM NOT ABANDONING THIS STORY AND YOU ALL. Won't be putting myself on hiatus So don't get heartbroken kay? Will probably post an update or two before I leave.

Love you all big time! And longlive minsul♡

P/s: I really like how Sulli looked during 'Obsessed' movie premiere. She was so gorgeous! Her hair got so long too! Finally uri giant baby is back after being a ninja for 23962689 days :D




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anastasia2013 #1
Please keep in touch, we'll be waiting for just about anything from you, an update or any of your thoughts..hehe... Goodluck chingoo!