Another new member in UKISS!?

If any of you guys are Kissme's there's some news about their next comeback. It's going to be pushed back again for next month. Aj won't be promoting because his semester of school just ended. And there's going to be another new member to take Dongho's place.

I for one am very nervous about this comeback. Don't get me wrong, U Kiss is my number one favorite group ever! If you couldn't tell and I support everything they do. But this is all a little too much for me to take in. 1. Why keep making release dates if you're only going to post-pone it again. 2. I understand Aj is busy with school but why make it seem like he's not in the group anymore. And 3. WHY DO WE NEED A NEW MEMBER? And if there is a reason, why not bring back Xander or Kibum? Dongho chose to leave so why try and fill in the spot? They did fine with just five members for Break Up. And how long is this new member going to be around? Is he here just until AJ comes back or is he filling Dongho's spot full time? They really need to release more details soon.And another thing! Making them lose weight?! Now, I don't know if it has been confirmed or whatever that they needed to lose weight for the comeback but Soohyun looks pretty skinny in the picture they released

I'm getting pretty nervous for their comeback, though I am excited as well. What do you guys think about all this or do you not care?


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Tatia98 #1
I bringing a new member now is a little unacceptable for we kissmes but we have to support !aj will be back soon i hope and now he's working on some songs in US!!and i think a new member is just good because Eli is the only rapper now without Aj it's hard for him and in addition Nh did the best when he brought hoon and aj and i'm sure they know what are they doing!
I think we dont need to be worried about it!