
1. Music: Duurrrrr!!! U all know already!!

2. Beverage: Taro Bubble Tea (cough Luhan's fave) & Choco Bubble Tea (cough Sehun's fave)

3. Color: Black (I'm not goth) & Blue

4. Subject in School: Either History or ELA, idk it's always changing

5. Book: I don't have one. I'm such a bookworm.

6. Movie: Frozen! (Lol jk) I actually don't have one either. I watch a lot of movies.

7. Show: We Got Married and EXO's Showtime (/sniffles/)

8: Word: Uh, I have one from another lang. It's "Kilig", which is Filipino and it means spazzing, flutters, or anything that us fangirls feel

9. Clothing Style: Um, I'm just cool with jeans and a T

10. Pastime: Dance, read, watch dramas or anime, sing, listen to music, fangirl ........

11. Cartoon Character: Does Hello Kitty count? If it does then yeah, I love Hello Kitty.

12. Hair Style: Straight. Yeah I know I'm boring.

13. Weapon: My mouth (like saying words that I know my sister will cry to. Yeah my sis and I have a bad relationship. She's younger than me so yeah)

14. Study technique: Wtf? Uh for me, it's just pop open a textbook and start reading the important stuff I guess.

15. Gum: Uh, Trident or Extra?

16. Way to listen to music: I always listen through Beats

17. Design: Plain

18. Store at the mall: Idk I like a lot. From Sanrio(hello kitty stuff) to Aeropostale(clothes) to Barnes and Noble(books) to Starbucks

19. Restaurant: Anywhere where there's Filipino food and other food I like

20. Song: Right now it's Moonlight and Thunder by EXO

21. Kind of book: Romance yo!

22. Instrument: I don't play any but I like piano and guitar

23. Hobby: write fanfics and sticker collecting

24. Amusement Park: Six Flags

25. Singer or Group: Really? Would u like a typed list of that or should I start listing right now?

26. Actress: idk I like Park Shin Hye in Korea I guess

27. Actor: Um the guy in The Heirs, I think his name is Woo Bin and the alien in My Love From the Star, Kim Soo Hyun I think.

28. Casino: Wtf? I don't gamble! Well I can't anyway!

29. Candy: Choco and Skittles

30. Physical Activity: Dance


Wow, a bunch of these are so random huh? It's cuz I'm asking someone to spit out ideas at me right now. Anyways, credits to everyone who did a blog post like this before me. A lot of you probably made one like this before so yeah, credits to u!! 



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