Why Do I Love These Boys

I learned a lot from these boys that are not much older than me.never in my life has anyone taught me so much without even talking to me.

They taught me to always smile even if I feel like crying cause not all the people are trustworthy to see me in my weak state.

Taught me not to judge and don’t let others to judge me.

Taught me it doesn’t matter what I do,people always talk,but that’s the thing,they just TALK,they can’t do anything.

Taught me doesn’t matter who I love,cause I’m still me.love just change people in a good way not a bad way.

Taught me different doesn’t mean wrong.

Taught me to be myself,cause if I try to play someone else I will forget who I really am and so does the others.

Taught me to never give up,there are always people waiting to celebrate my failure as well as the ones who are waiting to party hard for my success.

Taught me to love people,even if they don’t love me,cause everyone deserves to be loved.

Taught me they’ll be by my side,even if they don’t know me,but they’ll support me in any way possible.


And I think that’s the best relationship anyone can have with her/his role model.

I love them not because who they are but because who they make me.

Thank you my lovely boys.

Someone just asked me why do I love these boys that much,they’re not even that pretty.

That’s a pity that you think that love is just liking someone’s face honey,love is not about face,money,age,religion,skin colour or anything like that.love is a lot more than that and I hope you’ll experience it one day.



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