mysterious heart clips .. O.O


Well, just now I was trying to make a heart clip, you know, the kind of clip that's like a heart?? Here, go see it here.


I tried to do one, and it looked sort of weird. Then it dropped to the floor.


So I was trying to find it, then I saw ANOTHER heart clip, but this one was black and whiteWell, kind of. It wasn't a real heart clip, it's like .. How do I put this .. Well,  IDK. Just read. MY heart clip was red and white! I was like .. What the heck is going on?!


As I thought about some strange magic relating heart clips ..





 I spotted my heart clip. ==" It was just a few inches away, but I didn't see it as it was dark. Kekeke.. Weird.


OK, if you find my blog post stupid, boring or similar.. Look at these SJ gifs.. xD





Yesung, chill. xD




Have a good night! Or day! Or evening!




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saranghae-choding #1
lql I love Super Junior gifs!!! xDDDD