My Life in an International Relationship

So lets try this blog thing out! Hi. I'm a student living in Colorado at the moment and my life has become somehing wonderful and stressful at the same time. This previous October I met someone online. It sounds sketchy but it turned out nicely. Being a fan of Kpop is was cool to find a Korean guy on a website. I wasn't alone when I first started talking to him and I certainly wasn't the only one who talked to him. Coincidentally he is in Medical school studying to be a doctor and he is moving to America in June of 2016. This seems like a long time but it isn't so bad. When we first met we didn't think anything of it. We just wanted to learn about each other's culture and what it was like living in each other's country. Once December started to come around, he had stopped talking to my friends and began to only text me. I didn't know this at the time. That is when I started to fall for this guy. I fell hard. Little did I know that he had feelings for me to. Once Februrary came around was when things started to seem like it was a dream. I decided to confess to him. I told him how I felt in korean. Not being a native speaker, this was difficult. But I did it. And that was when he told me how he felt. That was the day our lives changed and started to revolve around each other. This sounds cheesy but its all true. We became closer in a way and started to plan for the future. When he would come visit here. When I would go there. When he would finally move here and what sate I would have to move to, to be with him. These plans have been going on until now. Today he told me something that gave me a bit of a shock. For him to live in Korea, as soon as he's done with school, he is required to serve in the military. I did not find this out until a few minutes ago. He told me multiple ways in which he could avoid it but all those ways were hartbreaking to him. I knew something was going to make things difficult. I'm writing this now only becuase I need a way to escape to talk about this. Seeing as though we had plans for a future in 2 years, and to have that be taken away from us becuase of the manditory service kind of . This will mean, that I will have to wait 4 years for him to move here and for us to start our lives together. I know that there are a lot of women who will complain and say that I don't and will never know what it feels like when their significant other leaves for the military, but I can feel the saddness all the same. Its hard knowing the one you love has to go away and fight. Even if he doesn't have to fight the thought is still terrifying. I'm worried for him and I truely love this man. I have never felt this way about anyone before. Not even my Biases. I know this is a long blog but I just want people to know how hard it is to have someone you care about live across the world and have a 16 hour time difference. Hearing that he has to enlist has broken my spirit but not my heart becuase I know that one day we will be together. Thats all I have to say.


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