Annoying parents

While at work tonight, I was coaching my last class of the night
and I kinda hate teaching this class because of one of the
girls in new and she has an extremely aggressive coach from the stands dad

And he pissed me off to no end tonight.

I was working with the girls on the beam

and he YELLS from the second floor to his daughter

" Ali, I swear to God if you do not stay on that beam you are going to get it when you get home!"

and here I am thinking 
"Old man, sit your drunk down and let me do my job."


And than later when we are on the bars

she hits her head and the bar and it starts to form a lump
so I tell her to go get an ice pack and sit down for a minute in case she got dizzy.

Well her father freaking comes down from the bleachers, walks over to me and starts to chew out my .
saying shes faking it and for me not to believe her and called his own daughter a .

and I of course responded as nice as I could ," I'll make sure next time she gets a quarter size bump on her head to continue with the class instead of icing it". *Stupid , I said in Spanish as he walked away*

I feel really bad for this little girl to have to live with someone like that! 

Sorry to rant but I was seeing red and about punched this little girls father in the face.

Great ways to piss me off.

1.) telling me how to do my job when you have no idea how to.

2.) picking on/abusing little children who have done nothing wrong.

that's a good way to get punched by me








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tiggerlover97 #1
Next time...beat that . Period point blank. No hesitations just as soon as he opens his mouth just go BAM! Then tell him to see his drunk down.
thats EXACTLY like my dad so yeah
I hate parents like that. They're so goddamn annoying. Like, seriously!
Well done, though^^
You know I woulda turned into my mother yelling up to the stands. All Hawaiian ghetto and .

That image alone made me rofl

But next time give him a lump on the head!!! Baseball size!!!