I'm literally crying right now over something stupid. This is what happened. My little sister was messing with my hair, pulling on it, touching it, messing it up, etc. and I found it annoying so I told her to stop. She didn't listen so I told her again. But she still didn't listen so I pushed her away from me, only to have her fly off the bed we were sitting on, hit her back on the table behind us and her head on the fan on it. She hit the ground really hard and started crying. My sister isn't very forgiving, so I didn't say anything, neither did my older sister who was there. My dad ran upstairs and asked us what happened. Out of all times to speak, my older sister said "She fell off the bed because Areej (that's my name) pushed her", as if I did it on purpose. I swear I wouldn't have done that to her so I told my dad it was an accident. But of course, no one listened to me. Every time someone provokes me, they end up getting hurt, and I always get blamed in the end even though that person knows that I have depression so I take everything to heart. I got yelled at, then my dad asked my little sister for what happened, and she told him. But just like everyone else, she left out what she was doing that led up to me pushing her. My dad looked at me again, with an extremely annoyed look and a furious expression on his face. I decided if no one was going to tell the story the way it happened, then I would. As I opened my mouth to say once again that it was an accident, and that she provoked me, he cut me off, yelled at me, then kicked me out of the room. The wworst part? My family sees me as a criminal. They think I tried to kill my own little sister. Now my family sees me as some kind of killer and they won't even let me go near them. So here I am, alone in an overheated room, crying because this isn't the first time it happened. People keep gettting themselves hurt, and still I'm the one being called a monster.


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sherein #1
Hey, are you feeling better now????
FallenTwin #2
Oh dear... I don't know what to say. I just want to hug you until you feel better....
Seriously, what is wrong with your sister?
I hate it when that happens. There is similar situations that I have been in too.
Talk to your friends, listen to music, do what you want to do and ignore them.
Not much of a great advice.
But I hope that you'll feel and get better soon. :)
Oh my gosh. That's -- horrible! I'm so sorry I can't do / say something that can cheer you up :(