Things changed...

After a year and half months of hiatus, I'm finally back! Miss me? I hope someone misses me :D Anyway, while I was on a hiatus, I didn't bother to make fanfics from using scratch. I know I miss making fanfics here in AFF but I wanted to continue being a writer here and I really love making fanfics. Recently, I made an EXO fanfic for the first time. Also, it's my first time making an angst fanfic (which will include soon in my EXO fanfic) Things have changed while I'm gone because I was busy with school and other stuff. This year will be a difficult year for me. First of all, I'm now a 4th Year in my high school year and second, I need to deal problems in my family.

Why am I saying that my family is my second concern? It's because of my dad. Don't be shocked on what I'm about to say but... Recently, my dad destroyed my phone for the first few days of January. Like yeah, I was so mad at him and I will never forgive him. I don't wanna talk to him again as long as I'm avoiding him. Because there are two reasons: One, he's ruining my privacy and two, he's a stalker in our house. I don't wanna see him either because he's making my problems even worse.

So that's it.. But I'm not gonna give up. I still have hope in my mind.

That's all.


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Welcome back! ^-^ And stay strong!! Fighting!!
WELCOME BACK!! *throws confetti*
SeHunZa98 #3
Hello... I just hope you don't give up in ur life.. I know that u strong... Just think positive.. And don't hate ur father.. Maybe he want the best to u... Anyway.. don't sad...
Sorry if my english is not good... :)