☪ Eclipse ❂ Lunar ☪ Soohyun ❂





AFF Username: Lillyanna
Name: Lyne
How Active Are You: 1


Full Name: Lee Soo Hyun

• Soohyunie or Hyunie - her brother calls her that since she was young and after some while hearing him say that over and over again, Soohyun's parents and friends started calling her that sometimes
• Smilee - combination of smile + lee her fans calls her that because she's always smiling when she's on the cameras or fan signs
• Soo Gamer - the members calls her that because on breaks she's always seen with her phone playing some game but it's always a different one

Age: 17
Height/Weight: 170cm/53kg
Birthday: November 24, 1997
Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
Homwtown: Seoul, South Korea
Blood Type: AB
Ethnicity: Korean
Language: Korean (fluent)

My Stage!
Stagename: Soohyun
Persona: Bright Sun
Fanclubname: Lucky7
Fanblub Color:  #ccffcc 

Position: Main Vocal
Back-up Position: Triple Threat, Sub-Dancer
Singing Twin: IU
Dancing Twin: f(x)'s Krystal
Rapping Twin: -
Talking Twin: f(x)'s Sulli
How did you get in: Audition
Training Years: 5 years
Training Life: Like any other trainee, Soohyun's trainee life wasn't easy either. She had to wake up early and go to school then after school she had to pratice until late. On the weekends she passed almost all day inside the pratice room. At morning, she had to run 2km and do sit-ups and push-ups, after that she goes to the company and do her lessons about half day then pratice what she learned the rest of the day. It was even harder when she worked this hard but didn't know when was going to debut or if she was already good enough. All the competion between he trainees weren't helping too. Although it was hard, Soohyun always tried her best since she really wanted to be an idol, it was her dream, so she tried to make it a little bit easier while thinking about things that didn't make sense and made her laugh.

This is The Real Me!
Personality: Soohyun is always very energetic and cheerful. Likes to enjoy herself and his happy all the time, since the early day until the late night. It's really unusual to she see her sad or crying. If crying she maybe from happiness. People around her tend always to have a smile placed on their faces because of Soohyun's jokes and pranks. She's very clumsly and being a clumsy girl she often falls on the floor or hit her head on the wall. All types of things that make a person clumsy she may have almost all of them. Soohyun is a very lively girl. She's very active and thinks that her life must be lived at the fullest and to her the fullest is all the happy and funny things she had in her life, so Soohyun usually just thinks about those moments that makes her laugh. A very optimistic girl, expects all the best of the best in every situation. Soohyun tend to be very positive about everything, when everyone is thinking about the worst she manage to find the positive thing about it. Soohyun is also an easy-going girl and doesn't really care much about things and one of them are what people think about her, she just ignores them or just go along with them laughing at anything they say, but there are times when she's really laughing because she finds herself funny. She may be a little bit lazy about somethings, it's rare to see her working, but if she's really determinated to do something she makes up her mind that she will accomplish that no matter how hard it is. Soohyun likes to watch people that's why she is good at reading people specially the ones that she's closest to. She knows them really well. She knows what they like to do, what they like, etc.
                       Soohyun is a girl that gets distracted easily. When she's doing something or going somewhere if she gets distracted by someone or something she forgets what she was doing and ends up not doing it. When this happens she always has the felling that she forgot about something but doesn't know what it is. No one can ask her to do something because of her distration problem but most of the time is because she doesn't want to do it, since she's really lazy, and pretend that she didn't hear it or that she forgot as an excuse. Since she passed many times with her brother she learned some bad things with him. Like her brother she has the habit of lying. There's no way she can keep a promise or see if she's saying the truth. It's better not believe in everything she says or else it will make you very disappointed. But that sometimes helps her when she's in bad situations. Soohyun is also full of herself, specially if someone praises her, she feels like she the best in the world and starts showing off all her good and bad things that she thinks that are good. But it doesn't that she will hurt someone. Another flaw Soohyun has is being an irresponsible person. She forgets easily about assignments and sometimes doesn't care about the consequences of her actions. Being a very lively girl, might sound that she's very childish, but not, she can also be serious when it's needed, if there's something wrong she tries her best to help the situation and solve it even if she's in showing off mode.

Background: Soohyun had always been in Korea since when she was born until now. Her family is a normal one. She has one father, one mother and an older brother. Ever since she was young she used to follow her brother everywhere. Although their was quite big they were pretty close. It was with her brother that Soohyun started liking music. Her brother used to hear a lot of K-Pop not only girls group but also boys groups and soloists. He showed Soohyun all the albuns, new MVs that came out, everything so Soohyun, when she was young, instead of playing with toys she would always ask her brother to hear music and watch MVs. At school, she would go to those music contests and Soohyun could reach always the top 5, that prove it to her that she had talent for music. Soohyun's friends always said that she had a great voice and support her until the end. Her parents weren't the same, they didn't like the idea of her daughter being an idol or simply  a musician. Soohyun's parents wanted her and her brother to have granted job in the future, so they were always saying that they should study hard. Both of them diid as they told but Soohyun didn't give up while her brother, being the older one, followed what his parents wanted and now is studying to be a lawyer. Soohyun decided to make an audition in November 2009, with the help of a friend on the neighborhood that was a music teacher and give Soohyun some tips to sing high notes and the help of her brother in dancing, and became a trainee under T.O.P Entertainment.
                        While being a trainee Soohyun just had 12 at that time and, even though, her brother warned her about the hard time she will have, being just a little girl, she thought that it would just so easy and that she could reach to the top just with her voice. Soohyun was wrong. As the time passed, she started to feel that it was getting harder and harder. She had to pratice even more and just saw her friends debuting first than her it was hard since she strart thinking that she didn't had talent. Also with all the training she started seeing less and less her family, just an hour or two, and even though she saw them for a few hours she missed them since they couldn't do the things they used to. There was a time when she thought that she wanted to give up but decided that she shouldn't because it was her dream and she just couldn't give up so easily. Soohyun wanted to prove her parents her determination and her passion for music and also pursue the dream that her brother never did, so she couldn't give up.
• amusement parks
• any kind of cakes
• sports
• steak and chicken
• anime (Fairy Tail and Naruto)
• sleeping
• sweats with hoods
• video games 
• hot weathers
• bugs
• violence
• carrots
• milk
• zombies
• spiders
• laughing while claping at the same time
• drinking water right after she wakes up
• puffing her cheeks very often specially when she bored
• checking up her social networks accounts everyday
• favorite number is 7
• wants to try acting someday
• Soohyun is a BANA, a B1A4 fan
• favorite colors are blue, green and black 

• doesn't like when someone ruffles her hair 
• she can do the cup dance of Anna Kendrick 
• has twitter, instagram and weibo accounts
• she can ride a skateboard and do skate tricks 

• not a big fan of skinship specially with strangers 
• it's hard to wake her up, must call her 5-7 times
• she was the lead girl in B1A4's MV 'Tried To Walk'
• can do the rubik cube in less than 1 minute and 30 seconds ​
• has a crazy obession with sweats with hoods and snapbacks
• has always a hood or a snapback on her head when praticing
• she says that she is still growing up but everyone knows that she won't
• she watches a lot of anime which makes her have a great japanese pronunciation
• she really likes jajjangmyon and fried chicken she says that she could eat everyday that doesn't get sick of it eat just that in her whole life
• Soohyun has always a backpack with her so she can take her important things with her, she usually have snacks and drinks, what she always has with her is her phone and tablet, a book and a pen

Here's My Heart!

Love Interest: Gong Chan Shik
Age: 21
Occupation: Idol (B1A4)
Personality: Gongchan may look stiff when we first meet him because of his tall build, chic appearence and pretty face that intimidated his hyungs when they met him but he's actually a very dorky, playful and cheerful boy full of aegyo. He may be the maknae of B1A4 but he can take care of his hyungs, since he has a younger brother. We can count on him whenever we need him, he's a very helpful friend. Gongchan is also a happy-go-luck guy. He enjoys playing around, although he's not too loud he loves to compete and getting into the games, just having fun is good for him. Sometimes he's in deep thinking which make him quiet and that may make him look like he's a bit cold but he's just pondering. Gongchan has a smile that is contagious, he makes everyone around him smile because of his weird but funny pranks that he sometimes does.
How did you meet/will meet: 
Soohyun is a B1A4 fan which made her go to a lot of B1A4 concerts and fansigns, not all because she couldn't. Her bias was always changing since she didn't know who from the five of them she should choose so sometimes was Gongchan, others were Jinyoung then suddendly it was Sandeul. Soohyun was the lead girl in B1A4's MV 'Tried To Walk', there she met all the members. She was really excited but she had to act professionaly. They all get to know something from each other and kept contact with each other also.
Interaction: When they had time they would hang out with their groups of friends and that made them to know more about it each other and get closer. Gongchan after finding out Soohyun was a B1A4's fan, he would always joke with her pretending that he was a super star and asking her if she wanted his autograph that always made Soohyun laugh. He likes to tease Soohyun a lot because of her obsession for hoods and snapbacks and if he teases Soohyun too much she'll get really annoyed. Gongchan doesn't like when Soohyun is lying but after a few meetings he now knows when she's lying and when she's not. Besides all the teasing they, both of them are there for each other in good and bad times.

My Face is Bueatiful!
Faceclaim: Su Eun + link 1 | link 2
Back-up: Park Gi Rim + link 1 | link 2
Comment: English isn't my first language so I hope you'll understand everything. Hwaiting~! ^^

• Musics: Hello Venus 'Do You Want Some Tea?', Teen Top 'To You', Teen Top 'Miss Right', T-ara 'Number 9', T-ara 'Do You Know Me?'
• a variety show like 'MTV Diary' where they show what they do on their everyday days and sometimes they have missions and the loser team have to do a punishment


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