I Am...

Okay, as far as I know, this is mine. I don't know if anyone else had done anything like this but I wanted to. It might make me feel better?

It's just ten completed phrases of "I am..." something-something. I kind of want to make a video out of it for my youtube channel because I thought it'd be cool, but I honestly don't think that many people watch my videos let alone know I have a channel. OTL But that's my problem, not yours.

So, anyway, this is me...


I am...


I am loyal.

I guess you could compare me to a dog or a puppy, since I'm not sure how other pets generally are. Like a puppy, I will stick by your side, even if I know that you're wrong. I will be there for you when you need someone to talk to or someone to cry to because you know I won't tell anyone else, but also, like a puppy, if you hurt me, I will still be there. I can only take so much though and, after hitting that breaking point, I will still be there for you, trying to help you. But things won't be the same anymore because I can't trust you.


I am my own worst critic.

I don't know the meaning of "too much" or "that's enough." When it comes to me, myself, and I, the only options are "fix it," "try again," and "maybe you just shouldn't do something like that." I'm not the only one, but I'm so comfortable with it now that I don't allow myself certain things and/or I try to keep myself form what seems like unnecessary pleasures. It's rare that I treat myself before I treat others, and when I do splurge on myself, I end up hating myself about it.


I am observant.

I like to watch people and see how they interact with one another. I don't need to hear their conversations. I like to come up with a story between two people and if I see them again, try to continue it. People fascinate me at the same time that they scare me, but individuals are so unique that even the smallest of traits can be hard to ignore. But it's not just people. It's places and books and words and music and animals and plants. The list goes on. Anything that may have a story behind it, living or non-living, I like to see them.


I am a thinker.

I do way too much thinking most of the time and it's probably not healthy. I keep a lot of things bottled in and just let my mind wander over the possible reasons as to why things happen the way they do. I don't have to think to come up with an answer or to solve a problem. I just like challenging my brain and keeping my logic moving. I like to be able to connect things my way, whether they're true or not. I'll listen to other people's opinons but I like mine. I will not bash you for yours but I like to hear them because they make me think. I like to hear what other people's opinions are of things because people see things so many different ways and express it just the same. I like to think and I like things that make me think.


I am a dreamer.

My goal in life is to truly be happy. No drama. I don't have to have to glamorous life nor do I really need it. I just want to do something that makes me happy, and every day I look for something that does just that. If I'm not good at it, I'll try to work on it, especially if I can use it as a method to express myself. I like to use my imagination and spin whatever webs of a dreamcatcher I can create. Sometimes my thoughts don't feel realistic, even to myself, but I entertain them because no one can tell me that I cannot do it. My dream shall be my reality and I'm going to be proud to say that I dreamed of the day where everything fell into place. I'll be proud to say that I'm living my dreams.


I am (most likely) not human.

This is probably the lamest thing that anyone can say but sometimes I really do feel like this. I don't think I've ever truly considered myself human. I've told people that I'm a vampire, a werewolf, an alien, a shapeshifter, an andriod, a nekodroid, etc. Most of the time, I just feel like the people around me don't ever see the things that I see and that they never will. Some can see a glimpse of the things that I imagine and dream of and sometimes what I just want in life. I think these are the people that have told me that they aren't human either, that they're fine being different, and/or that they wouldn't mind if they found out I wasn't human. These are special people that I am truly thankful for.


I am creative.

I do what makes me happy when I have the resources to do it. I like to write, to draw, to sing, to dance, to learn, to try new things, and so much more. I enjoy having a way to release things that I cannot say and where only my opinion matters because no one can tell me that it's right or wrong. I am expressing myself after all. It's my feelings and my thoughts. I enjoy being creative whenever I can however I can, even those little things that I don't feel like I'm all too good at. If it makes me happy, and it doesn't hurt me, why should I stop?


I am a geek.

I had my roommate call me that. Or maybe it was a nerd... I think it was a nerd, but either way, it's because I like to learn. I like to feel like I'm actually achieving something when I work but only if I'm working toward a goal that I feel I can achieve, especially in school. I'm not ashamed of having high GPAs because I know I put the work in to do it. It's hard to put in so much effort in school but I enjoy seeing results like a high GPA and good grades because I know that I put my effort in in the right way and I didn't give up - even when I really wanted to.


I am growing.

It may sound cheesy but each day, I grow as a person. I work to become someone that I'm proud to say I am. From small, menial tasks to highly difficult ones that call for high skill, I work. I'm not perfect and I never have and don't ever plan to claim that I am. I don't mind my faults because it's just who I am. I used to hate them but why should I worry about things that I cannot fix or beating myself up over things that aren't even my fault? I want to mature and I do what I can do achieve that. It makes me happy so there's no reason for me to stop.


I am alone and lonely.

I'm just one of those kids that sometimes feels like I don't ever have anyone around. Sometimes I feel simply alone, with no one to talk to and when the world is quiet. Other days, I feel lonely where it's like the world doesn't want to be bothered with me and there's nothing I can do about it but cry for help where no one can hear me. That may seem dramatic but that's the best summary that I can give. I have friends, but they are few and they have lives of their own. I don't want a lot of friends, but it is nice to have someone to talk to once in a while. But, all in all, I feel both a lot and it is what it is. Some things can't be helped and those things don't need to be stressed over because it deepens the feeling and simply makes everything worse.


This is me. I'm not a superstar or anything at the moment but maybe I will be in the future. All I have to do is work for it, right?

If I do this again, I think I'll definitely do a video because it be easier than typing all of this and I don't have to worry about it suddenly disappearing with all the work I put into it...Or maybe I do. At least I wouldn't have to worry about typos. (;;>_>) If I choose to do it again, I'll try to come up with all new ones and maybe do somewhere between 10 (again) to maybe 25...


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