EEEEP Its up !! hehe :)

Omo ~ Im excited ! My first ever written piece !!

Its called ~Broken Angel~ (should I leave out the "~" ??)

Written by me (Ang3l_ryeong9-l0v3r) and edited/reviewed etc by co-author foreverkeena101.

She is a great reviewer! :)


I know I may not be such a great writer/author, but I promise my after chapters will be good (hopefully xD)

& since its my first one, I hope to learn from you !! Im not experienced >"<

Ohh and can someone make me a poster & background & character chart ?

Pretty Please ?! I won't bite ! ;)

I need it by tomorrow (21st December 2011, or the latest by 22nd December 2011 :P)

So if you can, please wall me (click on my name above)

& feel free to drop by ~Broken Angel~ (title credits to muziklady98!) 




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Title looks interesting:D
I can't wait to read it :D I'm sure that it'll be great!~
YAY!! It's up~!!! oooo~ Broken Angel~ Ahahaha:D PRETTY PRETTY~ hehehe:D Excited for your story~ :D I've subscribed~ Will comment LONGLONG comments after you've released your 1st chap~ :D