▲comme le rêve job interview — Park Katerina







Lets get down with the interview
❝ MinRin04. | Min. | 8-9. 


character name; Park Katerina
nicknames(s); Kat (Because it's shorter), Sweetie (By her father)
age: 19
birthdate; 04/10
nationality: Korean
hometown: Seoul, South Korea
language(s); Korean (Fluent), English (Fluent)


ulzzang; Baek Su Min
backup ulzzang; Do Hwe Ji
height; 161cm
weight; 45kg
style: She has a very simple style, she likes to be in comfy clothes (1, 2, 3), but she also likes to have more 'girly and cute clothes (1, 2, 3). She like to wear pretty clothes but ones that don't draws attention on her because she doesn't want to be noticed by other people.
extra(s); She always wear a necklace, the one her father gave her. This necklace belonged to her mother.


personality; Katerina is a sweet and shy girl. When her father was alive she was a happy girl, she would smile and laugh all the time. When her father passed away, she fell into a severe depression, she would start criyng without any reason, she had horrible nightmares. She would have panic attacks and she became very insecure and she became withdrawn. She started to become like her old self again when she met Amy, who did her best to make her happy and helped her out of her depression.
background; Katerina was born on October 4 in Seoul, South Korea. Her mother died while gaving her birth. She grew up with her father,  a baker, and even though she felt an emptiness in her heart due to her mother's absence her father did everything he could to make his daughter happy and feel love. Being a baker, her father taught her how to bake pastries and it quickly became her passion to bake. She spent happy years with her father until the starting of her first year of high school, that year her father died of a heart attack. Katerina's world crashed downand after her father's death she fell into depression. Seeing that they were nothing left for her in South Korea she left for the US.

In the US, she went to high school and she met her best friend, Amy, there. At first her depression only gotten worse and she even tried to kill herself because she couldn't handle the pain of losing her father but she was stopped by Amy who then became her best friend. After her high school graduation she decided to come back to South Korea to go to university.

likes; -Disney movies (She used to watch them all the time with her father)

-Bake (Her favorite recipe is Chocolate and Vanilla Cupcakes)



-Snowy landscape

-Looking at the pictures of her father and her.
dislikes; -Spiders (She has arachnophobia since she is a little girl)

-Dark places

-Being alone


-Lost someone she loves
trivias; -Katerina was her mother's name and that's why her father named her Katerina.

-Even though her father is dead, Kat still has his number in her phone and sometime she would call his number just to hear his voice on the voice mail message

-She is afraid to care for someone because she thinks that if she does that that person will leave her and that she will be alone

-All the recipes she makes are from her father's recipes books


family members: Dad. | Park Hyun Su. |4o. | Baker. | They were really close before Kat's dad died.
best friend: Kang Amy | 19 | College Student. | Amy was the one who stopped Kat from killing herself back when they were in the US. The two became inseparable, Amy was always worried that Kat would try to kill herself again so she never left her side. Amy is Kat confident.
friends: Mark Tuan. | 19. |College Student

Park Ji Yeon. | 19. |College Student.


love interest; Park Chanyeol
age; 21
how you interact with him?: 
Chanyeol is always the one who talk the most between the two of them. Kat loves to listen to his voice because it calms her. Little by little she opens up to him and talk more with Chanyeol.
how you want your first interaction to be like?: Chanyeol talking during most of their first interaction because Kat will be too shocked that someone as happy and cheerful as Chanyeol would to talk to her to answer him properly
any names for each other?: Angel (Chanyeol's nickname for Kat), Giant (Kat's nickname for Chanyeol)


which college/university you're from; Seoul National University
what year you are in?: [ x ] year 1 [ ] year 2 [ ] year 3 [ ] year 4    
major in?: Medicine
plotline; The Pastry Chef


scene request; n/a
comments; Hello ^^ Here is my application ! I hope you like it
suggestions; n/a



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