Seven Confessions (stolen)

1) Confession about family:

I think my mom favors my brother more, but I'm neutral about that fact. And, I favor her than my dad -.-

2) Confession about love:
I have crushed on a lot (4-5 guys?), but I think it's only attraction...I don't think I have ever loved anyone (romantically)...-.- someone makes me fall in love/loves me, please...I'm seriously curious of what it feels like to love and to be loved.

3) Confession about abilities:
I at singing and drawing...good at logical thingy...I'm quite good at sports but I haven't trained in the longest time ever that I am bad beyond my belief now...

4) Confession about food:
I love pork and can't eat spicy foods -.-...eventhough I live near the sea, I don't like sea foods -.-

5) Confession about money:
Hm, I spend money quite randomly and feel guilty after that...I don't like spending my parents' money, but I do anyway -_-"

6) Confession about lies:
I don't lie often...well, I usually don't say the actual truth rather than lying...and my lies often bring me benefits :3

7) Confession about AFF:
I really want to get my first story featured...other than it, the other stories...well...I don't care much -.-

I have 4 accounts btw, and I'm active on all of them...2 of which I made for impure deeds, 2 of which I made cause I like the usernames :3

Random fact:

I am finally having the chance to listen to overdose mini album...and the songs are quite good tbh...but I think I'd get fed up soon enough...-.- k-pop songs aren't really my thing...

There is someone's voice in the last part of overdose...that is really like Ryeowook's...whose, I have yet to find out...darn


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You have 4 accounts?!?! That is a lot. Seafood is good you should try it.
I can't eat seafood either :D
kpopluvr27 #3
Wah...Wona? Hmmmm I knew you had two accounts, but four?! Do those impure deeds involve *cough cough* ? Hehehe

Ahhh I love spicy food.

Dawww I love you Wona!! Do you feel loved yet? :D
if it's sound like Ryewook then it must be Suho,the leader of the group~
since he sound like him in most of their song i had hear before
I want to steal this so bad....
IAmAPotato21 #7
I wanna steal this~
Its chen...i think lol... Am i only one who doesn't eat pork? -.-"...............same feelin wid your family...yeahh...hi5/ tiredly
wait, what. you have 4 accounts on AFF???? woah how do you keep up haha