How Awesome Are You?

1. Skydive(too scary)

2. Performed in Public(danced)

3. Won a Contest(memorize as many #'s of pi, lol I'm such a nerd)

4. Won the Lottery(yeah right)

5. Met an Idol(don't we all wish for that to happen)

6. Broke a Record(none for me to break that I can actually do)

7. Smartest in Your Class(/sniffles/ used to be...)

8. Beat up someone older than you(yup I beat up my 24 year old cousin oh yeah!)

9. Backflip(no but Mark can you teach me?)

10. Martial Arts(next on my list of activities to try and Tao can you teach me?)

11. Did something better than everyone else(back when I was #1)

12. Received a perfect score on a huge, important test(there was a state test we had to take and I got perfect. It was 4th grade math for the CST)

13. Met the President(who has?)

14. Good at drawing(stick figures anyone?)

15. Can speak 3 or more languages(currently working on it)

16. Proved someone wrong about something they thought you couldn't do(many times...)

17. Threw a successful party(yup I was a total boss that day)

18. Popular at school(I don't care about popularity. If I were to choose if I wanted to be popular or not I would choose not)

19. Prettiest in your class(yeah like that's gonna happen)

20. Rich(middle classed)


~ Count how many you resemble and multiply that number by 5

I got 7 and multiplied by 5...

I'm 35% awesome

Wow, I . :P



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Raveness #1
I'm 45% XD