〈 INTO THE TIMELIGHT° yoon miyoung


Elite'S keyboardist — yoon miyoung

+ unknownsweet101 / Karen / 10/10
NAME   Yoon Miyoung
- Mimi | a nickname that her younger sister used to call her when they were young and close.
- Elite's Muse | a nickname created by their band's fans. With her beauty and talent, they concluded that she's the band's muse.
- Agasshi | called by her band mates (except for the vocalist) when she started to act like a princess already. Like when she refuses to lose into something or when she gets irritated already. It's like their form of 'surrender' and their line usually goes with a resigned voice and say: "arasso, agasshi"
AGE  24
BIRTHPLACE & HOMETOWN   Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea
LANGUAGES  Korean (native) | English (fluent; it's one of her classes which she is best at)
FACE CLAIM Park Hyemin / Pony
BACK UP  Kim Sooyeon / Mint
height: 170 cm
weight: 53 kg
She's not only known for her talent but also because of her good looks. She has a fair white skin and a look full of charisma which can attract a lot of people's attention. She also have long and slender fingers that she uses to play wonderful melody from her keyboard. Her hair is also one of her characteristics that her fans love. She has a long wavy dark brown hair. Whenever they have a rehearsal. she always put her hair in a messy high ponytail or bun. During a performance on stage, she styles her hair in messy waves which fans love so much. In the middle of a performance, when the stage gets too hot, she puts her hair in a quick ponytail or bun (similar to her hairstyle during rehearsals)
This girl also loves fashion and to look good and unique. Her style on stage and daily life are the same since she uses her own clothes on her performances. She's the one who chooses her own outfits and she even styles herself. She tends to do it by herself since sometimes when someone else does it, it doesn't look like how she wanted it. She loves outfits that are unique and making statements. She's not easily satisfied with simple clothes so a t-shirt and jeans won't do. She loves to mix 'n' match everything in her closet. Her style is not really feminine, it's more like the cool type and clothes that only few could pull off well (she'll really look like someone who can be on a band). Her favorites are clothes that have studs, animal prints, and galaxy prints. She also doesn't need to wear too revealing clothes to look y and attractive. Her closet is one of her possessions which she is proud of. 
(+) persistent, passionate, charming, strong, hard-working, perfectionist
( - ) self-centered, narcissistic, child-like, prideful, blunt, manipulative, spoiled
"Living under the limelight" Miyoung is practically the perfect girl in front of all of their audience and fans. She came from a rich family, has good grades, her beauty cannot be compared to others and her talents would just make your jaw drop. She always gets praises and attention because of all these traits. She loves it of course. She loves it way too much. She grew up under the oh-so-blindingly-bright spotlight and that's why she never thought of stepping away from it. It is where she feels special and she believes it's the place where she belongs. She's willing to do anything just to keep the spotlight shining only on her direction. She simply can't imagine life without it. That's why when someone is not attracted, affected or amazed with her, it always leave her dumbfounded and confused.
"I'm the Yoon Miyoung after all" Of course she doesn't only love to get praised by others, she also loves to praise herself as well. With all of them compliments and attention she gets she greatly believes that she deserves all of them. When something good happen because of her, she won't find it surprising at all since it's her who did it anyway. In every praise and attention she gets, she always thinks that she's the Yoon Miyoung after all. She's simply a narcissistic and self-centered girl. She compliments herself in every way possible, from her looks to her accomplishments. She sometimes only thinks about them but most of the time, she says them out loud. It usually depends on who she's with. When she's with someone who has a high and respected position, like maybe their CEO, she just keeps them all inside her head while smiling widely. But when she's with ordinary people, get ready to go deaf with her never-ending self-praises.
"What Miyoung wants, Miyoung gets" With her good family background and lifestyle, she was used to get what she wants even without putting much effort into it. If she wants it really badly, she's willing to do anything to get it. She can use all her charms to well... like, manipulate people to give in to her. She uses her sweet words and actions just to have things her way. If it doesn't work, no worries, she still has tons of tricks left up her sleeves. She also uses this "skill" to get away from any trouble. When the Elite have problems and under crisis, she's the one they put in the front line to talk things out especially when it comes with their CEO. No matter how difficult the situation maybe, she can turn it into a full 360-degree turn and make it in her favor. She can also do it on the spot, no script needed.
"Yes, I am already 24 years old and yes, I am also one of the oldest members" She doesn't act like her age at all. Her personality can be easily compared to a child. She always react in a very childish way. She always refuse to give in and admit her defeat. No matter what happens, she wants to win. Other people are the ones who usually give up and let her be. When she eventually loses, she'll sulk for a long long time and will claim that everything is just unfair. She needs to be pampered and comforted a lot just to let things go and move on. That's why people, especially her band mates, prefers to surrender and save themselves the trouble to pacify her. She's also painfully honest that she usually doesn't consider others feelings. She's the blunt type of person. If she likes or dislikes you, she'll surely tell you straight to the point. She doesn't want to beat around the bush or sugar coat it. She believes doing things that way is better than lying and putting on an act. She also tends to not think about the consequences of her actions. And just like any child, she also have a prideful side. After doing all her best to make something better and still have no effect, she'll immediately stop and refuse to do those things again. The other party should do something about the situation instead, it's their turn to make things better. And it would be one hell of a work to soften her up. When she also does something embarrassing, she will never admit it. She'll totally deny it even though it's awfully obvious already.  She's also not good in expressing her real feelings since it's awkward and embarrassing. That's why when people saw her true feelings, she'll deny it so hard as if her live is depending on it.This girl's maturity is something she'll have to learn as she experience things in life.
"Hey, I'm not lucifer! I have an archangel side too" Despite all those flaws and issues, she has a positive side too.This girl, once she found something she loves, she'll give it her all. She's passionate, persistent and hard working. She does her best in order to achieve her goals. She also have a perfectionist side. She can't stand it when she does a mistake, no matter how simple it is. In everything she does, she wants it to be flawless. It's also because she wants to show everyone her best side. She wants to impress her audience and other people. She also does it in order to keep her spot under the limelight. She has to be the best so that she can stay there. Besides, her family and also practically everyone expect a lot from her. She has a title she has to live up to. This girl is also strong considering how she handles the pressure in her life. She cannot please every single person out there. Honestly, not all are pleased with her. A lot are envious with her and some simply dislikes her. But despite all those expectations and distaste, she never end up into deep depression. She ignores them, no matter how hard it is especially at first. As long as she can live her life the way she wants to, she'll be fine. She's the Yoon Miyoung after all, she'll be phenomenal on her own.
- being under the spotlight
- fashion
- getting praised and compliments
- performing out of town/country since she loves traveling
- coffee, hot chocolate, milk and milk tea
- amusement parks and extreme rides
- children since she has a soft spot for them and they kind of have a similar thinking
- looking through her stuff without her consent
- rushing or nagging her when she's doing something
- cutting her off when she's saying something especially if she thinks it's important
- bothering her sleep / waking her up in a very annoying way (like screaming at her) especially if it's because of some trivial things
- noise first thing in the morning
- being compared to someone who she believes is not on the same level as her's
- horror movies and anything scary
- bugs and insects
- household chores and cooking since she doesn't have a clue on how to do it
- composing songs
- designing clothes
- shopping
- biting her lower lip when thinking. the harder she thinks, the harder she bites.
- poking someone else (usually their cheeks) when she's extremely bored
- tapping her feet or drumming her fingers on objects when she's getting impatient
- pinching the bridge of her nose with her eyes close when she's irritated
- taking 3 deep breaths before their performances starts. it's her way to calm down her nerves
- ruffling her hair with a groan when she's frustrated
- deep waters | she drowned when she was a kid and she almost die. she also don't know how to swim.
- dark places (zero visibility)
- She works best during the night since that's when it's quiet and the ideas come in her mind. That's why most of her compositions were done by night
- Everytime she arrives on their rehearsal or recording, she always have a cup of coffee, hot chocolate, milk or milk tea. It actually depends on what she feels to drink that day.
- She's very active on her SNS accounts
- Her birthday is the same day as Valentine's Day. That's why during that day, she doesn't only receive a bunch of birthday presents but also an endless number of love confessions.
- She can easily memorizes stuff. It's very useful for her study and also for the band.
- When she acts all childish, her band mates teases her that they finally figure out the meaning of 'young' in her name.
- She has a bad vision so she's wearing clear contact lenses when she's outside or performing and when she's at home or having band rehearsals/meetings, she usually wears her white-rimmed eyeglasses.
- When they are performing, she always have a black ponytail around her wrist. She uses it to tie her hair in the middle of the performance.
- She gets really sleepy when someone keeps on playing with her hair.
- Miyoung takes forever just to fix herself up. She takes a very long shower and spends hours to choose her outfit and style herself up.
- Their fans usually ship Miyoung and Jongin. They say that they look good together and they also know that they're the ones who started the band first. After knowing this, Miyoung often tease Jongin about it.
- Miyoung's wallpaper is actually a selca of her and Jongin which was took after their first performance.
- She loves to do skinships with the people she's close to
- She doesn't cry very easily

Miyoung came from one of the richest and most successful family in Seoul, South Korea. Being the first daughter and also the eldest among the siblings, Miyoung was automatically expected to take over of their family's corporation when the time comes. That's why her parents weren't fond of the idea of her being a part of a band at first. They believe that it would only hinder her from being a suitable heiress in the future. But they also acknowledge how talented their daughter is when it comes to music and that she's also enjoying it. So they made a deal with her. If her band doesn't affect her studies, they'll let her continue doing it. Of course, her grades was still outstanding after a semester and that's why they let do it. At the same time, she's also takes a business course in her college. It's also a preparation for the future since she knows that the band would eventually come to an end someday and she'll end up managing their corporation.
She didn't spend her childhood playing outside and socializing with her peers. Instead she was taking extra lessons at home and teaching her lessons that a normal kid won't know. It may be the cause of her childish attitude since she practically didn't experience how to be an ordinary child. But even though she lacks having a normal childhood, she never lacks in attention. She's very outstanding compared to her peers that's why she always got a lot of compliments and praises ever since she was a child. She's very used to it and it's like a normal thing for her. She's perfect in the eyes of many. She has the beauty, brains, talents, and not to mention a luxurious life.  But being like that caused some people to envy her.
Of course, when she started going to school she immediately became the focus of everyone's attention. She's always the top student and the representative of her school. She loves the attention of course since she feels special compared to others. Little did she know that some already hates the fact that the attention was only on her. It just started to be a kid's fight over jealousy. Not until she reached high school when everyone is not as childish as before.  It's when everyone tends to think more and do something secretly.
In high school, she never knew who her real friend was. Almost all of them are befriending her because of her good reputation. Of course, she experienced getting betrayed over and over until it's not a big deal for her anymore. Besides, she believed that it was their lost after all. They let the Yoon Miyoung go and betray her. She knows she can still live very well without them so who cares?
Father / Yoon Minjae / 53 / CEO of their family's corporation
— Miyoung's father is always busy and spends most of his time in his office. He tries his best to spend more time with his children but he always fail to do so. Sometimes it looks like the corporation is more important to him than his family. It was never his intention but things seems to end up like that anyway. To make up with his lack of time with his daughters, he gives all of their material needs and wants. He's practically the one who spoiled Miyoung a lot. He also makes sure that he would at least call them when he has time even though he only asks the same basic questions over and over. There are also times when he unintentionally shows that he prefers Miyoung more. He always gives him praises when she shares some good news about him. He also spends more time with her than the younger one.
Mother/ Park Hwa Young / 49 / Architect
— Despite being busy with her works too, she makes sure that she spends quality time with her daughters. Unlike her husband, she's willing to leave her work for her daughters. She also treats them both equally. She often acts like a best friend with them. They usually hang out during her free time and share good and fun conversations. She doesn't want them to hide something from her. She wants her daughters to be comfortable around her. Despite being a friend to them, she also knows when to be naggy and strict just like every mother out there. She's also hoping that whatever is happening between the two sisters, things be better in no time.
Younger Sister / Eyecandy's Keyboardist / 18-19 / College Student and Band Member
— The two of them were the closest sisters you'll ever see. Well, that was the case when they were still young. People find them adorable since they're always together wherever they go. But that didn't last for a long time. As they grew older, they started to drift away. Actually, it was Miyoung's younger sister who started to avoid her. She suddenly stopped talking to her which made Miyoung confused and eventually frustrated. She tried to talk to her but it doesn't improve a thing. Soon enough she got tired and got mad. She doesn't get it at all. How can her little sister be that distant to her without saying a single word? She gave up and end up ignoring her as well. She's too prideful to keep on coaxing her like a fool. The two of them rarely talk and they don't even do things together. And just like that, they're closeness gone into the thin air. But Miyoung's love and care for her didn't lessen. She just doesn't show it anymore. Miyoung is actually longing for her little sister but her pride stops her from running back to her. She refuses to make the first move to talk to her and sort things out again. She has done it before so it's her sister's turn to do it. But her sister shows no sign of doing so. Miyoung didn't know that her sister was tired of living on her shadow. She never intended to do that to her sister but she didn't know that things were like that already.
Best Friend / Lee Taemin / 24 / College Student & Part-time Model
— Taemin is Jongin's best friend. However this guy is kind of childish. He's also a bit of a playboy and a flirt. He can get any girl with his charms. He also have a luck of a lifetime. Whenever he gets into trouble, the universe itself will find a way to save him. People are even considering that he might have seduced the goddess of luck (if she even exist). He loves to tease and play with people a lot. That's why his jokes often cross the line. He usually looks like a guy who doesn't care about anything at all but he actually does. He's just not good in showing it. He'll either joke about it or would just keep his mouth shut. But once he knows that he has to say or do something, he'll do it in a a very straight-forward way. It will hit you so fast and hard that you'll immediately get affected by his words. He's also an optimistic guy who doesn't want anyone to see him when he's in tears. He's good at hiding his real emotions behind a smile or a laugh. He's not comfortable with opening up with someone he's not close to. He just want people to see only his bright and playful side.
Miyoung and Taemin knew each other because of Jongin. They immediately clicked and often loves to tease Jongin when they are together. The two of them have a really close relationship and for Miyoung, he's her true friend. Despite knowing all her flaws, he didn't avoid her or finish off her friendship. He simply take it all in as if it is not a big deal. He knows everything about her and it's the same for her. He even knows Miyoung's feelings for Jongin. And being Jongin's best friend, Miyoung always run to Taemin to ask for help in everything regarding the love of her life. Taemin always helps her of course, giving her tips and information here and there. Miyoung treats him as her best friend and also an older brother. She freely do skinship and say I love you's to him without malice or awkwardness. But for Taemin things aren't actually the same. Miyoung doesn't even have a clue about his hidden feelings for her. 
Rival / Elite's Vocalist / 21 / College Student & Band Member
— As soon as she joined the band, Miyoung dislikes her already. She left her band before so who knows if she left Elite as well and Miyoung doesn't not want that to happen at all. The vocalist's personality even pissed her off more. She's too full of herself and so secretive that Miyoung can't even start to trust her because of that. Every time the vocalist gets everyone's attention and acts all confident, Miyoung's feelings for her gets even worse. Because of that she thinks of ways how to make her life hard for her. She uses different excuses just to justify her actions (like: she's part of the band longer than her or she's older than her). Miyoung simply wants her to quit and she's willing to do anything just to make that happen. And whenever they perform, she refuses to admit it but the vocalist really threatens her. Her presence itself threatens her. Miyoung thinks that the vocalist might get the spotlight from her and make all her popularity vanish into thin air. She won't let those things happen, not until she dies. That's why her desire to kick her out grew stronger.
BACK UP  Zhang Yixing / Oh Sehun
POSITION  Elite's Bassist
(+) social, amiable, calm, cool, charismatic, responsible, loyal, passionate, ambitious
( - ) stubborn, prideful, selfless
"I'm the Elite's leader" Jongin is one of the oldest members and also the leader of Elite. He created Elite with his own passion and desire to form a band. He simply loves to do music and to perform in front of a huge audience. His dream is to spread out the music he and his band created. He also wanted them to be a source of inspiration to others. He has many dreams for the band and he's determined to accomplish all of those. He has to admit that he felt a little disappointed when they're losing their crown to a 'nugu' band called Eyevandy. But he knows that Eyecandy is a worthy rival too. Due to this rivalry, he becomes more fired up to be the best band out there. He's not letting his band lose without putting up a proper fight. To him, Elite is one of the closest thing to him. He'll never do anything that would go against Elite. He's loyal to his band and its members.
"That's final" Being the leader of the band, he's the most responsible among the members. He's always the one who makes decisions and orders for the band. When making decisions, he always think about his band first and what would be better for them. He's also like that with the people who he loves and cares about. He's really selfless. It's okay for him to take the burden all by himself. He also would rather do things on his own. His pride doesn't allow him to ask others for help since he likes to achieve what he wants on his own power. Besides, he doesn't want to burden others because of what he needs to do. He also hates to be in debt to anyone. Also once he decided on something, he won't change his mind about it. It will take ages and a huge amount of effort just to break through his stubborn side and convince him to change his decisions. Most likely, whatever he decided on will be his final choice.
"Anger will only make you think irrationally" When there are misunderstandings and fights within the band, he never throw a fit or shout at s. In fact, he'll calmly watch them from his spot. When the chaos seems to cool off, he'll simply ask them, "are you all done?". Then that's when he'll "preach" them. He usually tell them what they need to hear straight to the point since he believes that it is when his words will have impact to them. It will make them realize things in a flash. His words might be a little harsh sometimes but he does it for s own good. After doing that, he talks to s again (usually one by one) and explaining things in a more subtle way. He'll clear out that he's not doing it to hurt them instead it's to make them better and to fix things up. As much as possible, he wants to handle things a calm manner since he doesn't want to do something irrationally. He wants to have a clear mind in order to solve his problems. But all people has limitations. Once he can't take it anymore, he'll just walk away the scene  before he can say or do something that would make the situation worse. This guys has a really good in handling his temper.
"There might be times like that but... I'm not really scary at all" There might be times that he's the "terror leader" to s but he only becomes like that when necessary. He's actually a friendly guy who is full of charisma. He's very cool and attractive (and most people thinks he's also hot) especially when he's on stage. He definitely make his fangirls shriek even though that was not really his intention. It just happens that way. When he's with his friends and family, he actually has a playful side too. He knows how to get along with people well. When someone is shy and quiet, he's usually the one who helps them to be comfortable and come out of their shells.  He's also a great friend to have. 
"Popular boy + Popular girl = Perfect match?" During their high school, Jongin was actually part of a band in their school. Students, especially the girls, were crazy over them and they instantly became popular. And that's how Miyoung saw Jongin for the first time. Then just like that, she was attracted to him and had a simple crush. Jongin knew miyoung of course. Who doesn't know Yoon Miyoung, anyway? Despite all the praises and attention Miyoung gets, he didn't have a single interest on her. He actually knows about her attitude problem and maybe that's why he desn't see her special. However, it's completely opposite on Miyoung's side. She started to befriend him with the use of he so-called "killer charms" but surprisingly Jongin acted indifferently towards her. It's not like he was rude to her or anything he was simply... unaffected. That of course, stunned little miss Yoon Miyoung. But that doesn't stop her at all instead she attempted to get his attention more. What she wants is what she gets so she didn't let him go that easily.
"Do you want to create a band with me?" Senior year, that's when the two of them were both placed on the same class. Miyoung was surely ecstatic about it since she'll have more time with Jongin. She continued to sneakily make her move to him and it also happened more frequently. Others started to suspect it but of course, she denied it and claimed that she's only being friendly and has no interest on him.  Meanwhile, Jongin was still indifferent with her and that frustrated Miyoung more. Then graduation day arrived. Before the ceremony started, Miyoung followed Jongin on their school's music room even though she was really embarrassed to do it. But she knew that it was her last shot so she has to do it. After a few minutes of waiting outside, Miyoung bravely entered the music room and acted as if she was surprised to see him there. They don't really talk until he asked her if she wanted to build a band with him. His band mates weren't planning on continuing the band and he can't just simply let it go since its his dream. He knew that she was talented in music especially in piano. That's why he believes she was a perfect member for his future band. She quickly agreed since she can't say no to him at all. Besides, she'll have a reason to be with him after high school and even in summer. Miyoung also believed in Jongin that he could really achieve his dream. And if ever they get famous, she'll be under a brighter spotlight.
"She's better than I thought" After that, they looked for the other members together. Miyoung was more than glad to do the job with Jongin. Not only they were going closer to their dream, she was able to be with him. As the days pass time, a lot of things happen and they knew each other more. Jongin saw another side of Miyoung and he slowly understood her. He saw her good side as well. And without them realizing it, they actually became close friends. But of course, Miyoung doesn't stop on charming the him especially only the two of them are always together. Jongin still acts indifferent about it but on the inside, it was not totally like that. There were times that she finds her interesting but he'll never say it out loud. 
"No, I don't like him!" That's what Miyoung always say when her band with her feelings with Jongin. Even though it was awfully obvious that she likes him, she never admits it. It's just to embarrassing for her to say it from her own mouth. Despite that, she still didn't stop on pursuing the heart of their leader. Although, she doesn't just try to win his heart every single time. He's still her best friend too so there are times that they just hang out and do what friends do.
"I can't tell her yet!" On the side of Jongin, he actually started to like Miyoung too. After knowing her fully and spending more time with her, he just fell for her. He was surprised when he found out about that as well. He usually finds her attempts of getting his interest very adorable. He actually gets excited on seeing her since he knows that she'll do something interesting again. And maybe, he just wanted to see her. He really enjoys spending his time with her. He also started to get protective of her sometimes. Most of all, his heart speeds up when he's with her. He never admitted it to himself but he might have liked her for a long time already. The reason why he never tell Miyoung about his feelings is because he wants her to learn that she cannot easily get what she wants and not everything will go the way she wants it. He also wanted her to be matured first and learn how to accept things. He also like Miyoung to finally say and admit her feelings and throw away all the childish things she does. He doesn't want to simply give in to her like everybody else. He wants her to learn and be better.
— It happened during the senior year of high school. Jongin was my batchmate and he was part of the high school band during that time. I have to admit I was already attracted to him back then. I mean, who could resist a cool y guy from a band? He's the first guy I took interest on so he should be honored! Anyway, back to the story... It was during the last day of high school and I found Jongin inside our school's music room. Hey, it's not like I followed him there, okay! *tries to hide blush* So that's when he asked me if I want to form a band with him since his band mates are not planning to continue the band anymore. He simply loves performing with a band and of course, I have to say yes. I mean why not, right? *whispers* Besides,it's not like I can say no to him... and if ever we become successful, that would be like living under the spotlight. And if he's the one who will do it, I know he can be successful. *smiles at herself* Then, it's the two of us who recruited the other band members. So what makes him choose me? I don't know, maybe he learned about me being a champion on a piano competition? He must have been impressed when I played my winning piece again on our school. Oh, well... *shrugs*
— Of course, it would be Jongin! We knew each other for the longest time compared to the other members. We have been through a lot of ups and downs. We also know a lot about each other, maybe it be negative or positive, personal or not. So I therefore conclude that our bond is the strongest compare to the other members. But, honestly... I don't know if he thinks the same. I mean, he's so confusing sometimes! There's this time when he acts all friendly and then suddenly he becomes indifferent. Okay, he only acts indifferent when I try to become affectionate to him. *talks to self* I think he already know that I like him... am I that obvious, already? Anyway, I tried to charm him in any way possible but he was not affected by it, not one bit! How can he not fall for me? I mean, I'm Yoon Miyoung for goodness sake! I am practically expressing my feelings for him in every way possible but he just... I don't know, gently rejecting me? But why?! Does he really not like me? But that's... *gives out a resigned sigh* Oh, well... as long as I am living, there's still hope!  I won't let him go that easily. *winks*
— Miss new-vocalist. I don't like her, period. *rolls eyes* There's nothing more to say. 
— I am very interested in my little sister. She has the same position as me so I am curious on how things would go for her. I was actually surprised to see her as Eyecandy's keyboardist. We rarely talk so I don't know that she was part of it not until I saw her first performance. So yeah... I hope things would go well for her.
— It's something we could not avoid no matter what we do. We would just give our best to  live out or title as the Elite. We would not be called "Elite" for nothing, right? *giggles*
— At first, this band was like actually a hobby for me, like a past time. I don't take it seriously at first. But as we reached our spot today, I have to admit, the band surprisingly grew on me. Performing with them was actually more fun than I expected. Hearing the cheers of the fans gave us more motivation to be better. Besides, this band is very important to our leader so we all try hard to be the best band out there. The band unexpectedly became like a family to me. But I also believe that this band would not lasts forever. Whether we like it or not, this band would not be a permanent thing. *shyly*But for now, I have to say that I love this band.
Annyeong, author-nim~ Finally I am done! This fanfic was really interesting so I am really looking forward for this. The plot is amazing! A band AU is really cool. Elite's Keyboardist was interesting character to create so I don't know why few applied for it. Anyway, I hope I did well and things make sense. I hope Miyoung's character fits for the role for Elite's Keyboardist. Sorry if I kind of went a bit overboard...So if there's anything confusing and wrong in the application, kindly inform me! Kamsahamnida~ And I will now apologize in advance because of my long list of scene requests...
- A confrontation scene between the sisters wherein they finally let out their feelings. There might be fight, shouts and tears. =))
- When the sisters finally make up, Miyoung's little sister will finally call her "Mimi unnie" once again after a long long time.
- A scene wherein Miyoung would talk something personal with Jongin (like problems) and he'll comfort her and let her use him as her crying shouder. He'll cheer her up as he enclose her in his arms. That would be so sweet~
- Jongin will bring Miyoung in an amusement park (any reason would do) and the two of them will do a lot of cute and sweet things. You know... all those couple-y stuff.
- Maybe a fight between Taemin and Jongin. That would be interesting. Seeing two best friends figthing over a girl. Anyway, is it okay to have a love triangle? (^__^)'
- When Miyoung finally confessed her feelings to Jongin, he'll immediately grab her and kiss her. He waited for that moment so long! Then he can say something like "I thought you'll nevery say that." When Miyoung finds out that he actually likes her for a long time already. she'll end up crying and accusing Jongin on how unfair he was. She'll ask why does he needs to do that?
- Miyoung and Jongin staying together in a studio (?) late at night to work on some compositions and songs for the band.
- Some intense scenes between Miyoung and Elite's vocalist. 
- Jongin playing with Miyoung's hair as she lay down on his lap and she eventually fell asleep. Jongin can steal a kiss too!
- Jongin secretly adding his birthday gift for Miyoung among the hundreds of presents she recieves.
- Jongin is sick and Miyoung took care of him. Unfortunately, she did a total mess on cooking! Besides, she's actually clueless on what to do. That's why Jongin stops her from doing so but she's persistent so she ends up taking care of him.
- Miyoung dragging Jongin to go shopping with her. He practically carried a lot of paperbags for her and was asked a lot of opinions about the clothes she bought.
- Miyoung accidenatally seeing Jongin's phone and she got curious so she checks it out. She was surprise when she saw her picture as his wallpaper. When she asked Jongin about it, he gave out a lame excuse.
- Taemin slyly demonstrating what Miyoung should do to get Jongin's attention. There could be some skinship or leaning closer scenes involve
- A scene wherein both Miyoung and Jongin are waiting on who will call first. That would be so cute~


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