I'm sick...

Waddup guys? Miss you so so much. I really lonely when I don't talk with you guys.
I'm really miss all my lil cute sis and also my beautiful noona :)
And, some of my guys friends. Hm, we're not close though. Haha.

I got a lot of stories to tell :)

1. I got into an accident . Haaaa, it's hurt but I'm still alive and actually it's funny. HAHAHA.
2. I got into a fight, my first fight ever. It's cool! I broke one of my juniors nose but he the one saying sorry to me. So, I guess no one to blame right? ><
3. I'm a leader now! I mean not until they choose me. But, I'm listed for their 'new' leader position.
4. I'm a photography now :) I so drown in taking pictures. Do you wanna see my pictures?
5. Learning how to get diving lisence :) Can't wait my 19th birthday.


That's all I guess? Ohh, well I'm having a bad luck with girls this day. Anyone know why? Help me?


P/S : Having a fever :( That's why I stuck at home. Luckily my senior send my laptop to me. If not, I gonna die. I wanna see my boys practice *cough* Hate fever. Mommy! LET ME OUT!


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Oppa, You got into fight? For what reasons? are you okay?
Take care of yourself oppa :( and hey, dont get into fights no matter how cool it can make you look. Btw, you're a leader for what? If its a gang or something (which i hope isnt) , keep safe 'kay? And lol am into photography too, just sharing~ i miss you :(
Yah! R u okay? Mian~ I do miss u buddy~~ I also into an accident recently... but u still alive but me...hmm..inside of me is dead.
Ooo... Ouch... Get well soon!
sitinurfarisyah #5
Dude , don't get into fight :(

Don't ruin your perfect face lol

Nah , take care tho.
Woaa...bro...u got into fight?
What happened?
Woah... Take care and rest well dongsaeng. Hope for a speedy recovery.
wonderful_winter #8
Get well ASAP oppa
iloveulove #9
I wish you*
iloveulove #10
I you feel better oppa and I missed yea much more~