► BLISS (블리쓰) ❀ / do juniper


do juniper ("juniper")


shinjigetintherobot  5  shinji

soo hee ; not really a nickname, but rather her korean name. no one really calls her this though, as she's gone by "juniper" her whole life
do kyung hee ; fans call her this (and it annoys her to no end) because she has giant eyes, a squishy face, and is short like do. since they're "siblings", they took the do's first name and juniper's second name and started calling her kyung hee. (she actually has no realtion to do)
little doe ; her fans and granny call her this because she has big, round doe eyes and she's really tiny (plus do's eyes hahaa)
juni ; friends call her this because it's cute
june ; her parents call her this because it's cute and she was born in june
goddess of destruction ; everyone calls her this because she can't take two steps without breaking something
big booty 
judy ; her mom calls her this because she has a big
life and times of juniper do ; friends and western fans call her this because there was once a show on cartoon network called "the life and times of juniper lee"
BIRTHDAY: 06 / 18 / 1994
BIRTHPLACE & HOMETOWN: south jeolla, sk & atlanta, georgia, us
korean ; native
english ; fluent, but accented
american sign language ; advanced

FACE CLAIM: kang ji won
the first thing you'll notice about juniper is that massive mane of fluffy hair, it actually takes a lot of work to maintain. she dyes it, but she doesn't dye it different colors each time. her hair has been a pastel pink since she turned 18 and refuses to dye it any other color. look down from her hair and you'll be met with eyes as large as saucers with cheeks perfect for your grandma to squish. juniper also has the best booty on the block and it's so round and perky and it still has its cute jiggle wowie zowie. but juniper actually has a lot of scars. she has a burn mark on her right arm from that one time she tried making nacho cheese. i guess it was nacho day, huh juni? she has a scar on her left foot from when she dropped a steak knife and for some reason tried to catch it with her foot.
juniper will always choose an a-line dress to a bandage dress, hair ribbons to up dos, pajama sets to teddys, and everything inbetween. vintage is highly prized, but not required. juniper falls for dresses with pockets or a fun pattern.
d r e s s e s s 
c a r d i g a n 
a c c e  s o r   i e s
o x f o r d
HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 155cm & 46kg
juniper's main area is singing. she has a mezzo-sorprano voice type with a range of e3-a6, along with a whistle register. juniper has a bright, youthful tone; full of spunk and power with a sharp and instantly recognizable tone. her voice is strong and supported and can often cut through even the heaviest instruments from a band. the lower range sounds resonant and dark, but is the weakest part of her range. it is well-controlled and never forced. when belting, she always uses correct technique and mixes perfectly. her chest register is wide, elastic, and robust, reaching higher notes without the quality of her voice suffering too much. she is capable of adopting both a "punk" and powerful tone in her belting register, or a smoother, elastic one. juniper has an extremely developed "rolling" vibrato, and is often said to be in the possession of a third lung where long and difficult lines are seemingly rendered simple, with absolutely stunning breath control. however, her voice can sound strained at the top of her chest voice, and her whistle register is very very weak and rarely used

juniper dancing is pretty much a deer on ice: slipping and sliding everywhere. she is much more comfortable with action-oriented dances such as bigbang's fantastic baby or crayon pop's uh-ee, and is terrible at y dances such as raina's dr feel good. she has hips but, she feels uncomfortable when it comes to gyrating them or shaking her . juniper is actually very good with tutting and hand movements it's just the hips??

if you think that one line in bedrock was bad ("and i got her... grocery bag,") then you've never heard juniper rap. it's not so much that she has trouble with tempo and rhythm and beat, but she just literally doesn't know what to say while freestyling. and freestyling is all she insists on doing. she literally rhymed hostages with snausages, she's that awful.
MUSIC INSPIRATION: paramore, marina and the diamonds, kate nash, bikini kill, crayon pop, arctic monkeys, weezer, puffy amiyumi, pistols, akdong musician, eric nam
TRAINEE LIFE: a description of how her life as a trainee was like - how she became a trainee, what it was like, how long she had been a trainee for.
juniper was born in daegu south korea, and had an older brother. the do family moved to america when juniper was five due to her grandfather passing away and her family's economic state. they moved to atlanta's koreatown and moved into her grandmother's old house. her brother, ike, had a bit of english training, but let's be honest what kind of english is a fifth grader learning? he was really afraid and excited about starting school in america because he liked watching t dramas about the cool americans and how they'd do cool things, but afraid because what if they made fun of him because his english wasn't that good? but lucky for him, he met another korean at his school, one who spoke (funny sounding) korean and the two became close immediately. that little kid's name was eric, and turned out he lived a block down from the dos.

juniper was luckier, and her parents wanted her to be tutored in english before officially starting school. she would always complain though, because while ike and eric got to play, juniper was stuck learning how to speak dumb ole' english. juniper picked up on it quickly, and halfway through the school year, they decided to send juniper to kindergarden. it was pretty fun, the ladies working there would always coo about how cute she and her brother was. elementary school and middle school actually was pretty okay.

a year after the do family moved to atlanta, they were met with news. mama do was pregnant! juniper didn't know how to feel about having a new brother or sister, but ike was actually really looking forward to it and hoped he'd have a brother. turns out, they had a new little sister named stella. and in the midst of the family's rejoycing, they were hit with some shocking news. stella couldn't hear. 

the do family didn't really know what to do, or more like ike and juniper didn't know how to feel about any of it. that's when granny stood up and scolded them all for taking this as a setback. she told everyone that they must do their best tohelp baby stella in life, because she was already dealt a rough hand. and it was also granny who dragged the entire family to sign language classes. when the nams found out, they wanted to learn it too, so they could speak with little stella as well.

the nams and dos adjusted pretty well to life with sign language, and stella never really knew she was different from anyone else. the do family actually went ona  lot of trips and vacations, sometimes with the nams, sometimes without the nams. but juniper's family life was really good. there were hugs and kisses and loud dinners and fun karaoke and just in general some really cool down time.

it was eric who inspired juniper to become an idol. seeing him work so hard and singing his heart out all the time on tv really spoke to her. her parents responded relatively well to the news, they said they'd be cheering her on.
awkward, clumsy, quirky, honest, fanatic
"is she one of those special snowflakes or has she just not grown out of her awkward teenager phase?" is what most people ask when they meet a do juniper. she's the worst at social situations. there needs to be a jail for people who still break out in a cold sweat whenever they have to knock on someone's door, and juniper needs to get 18 life sentences. juniper gets dizzy and her hands become clammy at the very thought of looking a stranger or aquaintance in the eye (and by in the eye i mean in their general area). good lord, handshakes are the worst for her, is it gonna be normal or is it gonna blow up but what about jellyfishing? juniper just doesn't know and that's really awful and stresses her out so much. juniper tells too many bad puns and just in general terribly unfunny jokes but refuses to acknowledge it. every time she opens people either cringe, groan, or get ready to laugh because odds are the next thing out of will be somthing really really stupid. she hates meeting "a friend of a friend", that's the absolute worst because the her friend'll leave and she'll be alone with the stranger and she'll have to maintain that 49% smile that lets everyone know she's only pretending to enjoy herself.

juniper is called the "goddess of destruction" for a very good reason. juniper came out of her mom falling and embarrassing herself. she's hurt herself so many times that long lasting scars cover her body and mind. life with juniper is like living in a constant infomercial, dropping and spilling and breaking things in the most improbable way ever. putting on eyeliner and mascara is like playing russian roulette because she'll either get it all over her face or jab her eye out. icy surfaces basically equals impending death. she is 20 years old and she still forgets when she has a beverage in and just starts talking. she's ran into more poles than a stripper, standing too close to her is a liability, she literally cannot look graceful, no matter what.

"like zooey deschanel only not awful" describes juniper perfectly. hope you like feminist rants, that's kinda her thing. she truly believes in advancing the rights of all women and juniper feels duty bound to promote the wellfare and self-esteem of all women because it absolutely is not okay for super junior to say that fat girls don't take care of themselves when shindong looks like he reeks of cheese and nasty ballsack. juniper passionately supports a few key causes like going green and gay marriage and universal healthcare. and even though she doesn't seem like the smartest, she is one who you don't want to pick an argument with about these things with because she will obliterate you while defending her beliefs very eloquently and stubbornly. juniper gets excited over wierd and mundane things that make people think she's crazy. if she sees bunnies playing she'll coo in adoration, or she gasp and place a hand over her heart if a baby grabs her finger, she stops to pet every pet, and nearly cries when she gets extra chicken nuggets with her happy meal. there are times when juniper's head is in the clouds, but she is by no means flighty. she was just chasing down a though that was more interesting than the conversation at hand. juniper is much more tough than the world percieves her. don't be fooled by the big eyes and the flowy clothing--do juniper is a force to be reckoned with. she has no fear of bugs and no desire to be anyone's damsel in distress. juniper can be super gullible. she'll listen to any tale wide-eyed and is very easy to trick. she's also playful and whimsical, and if you hang out with her enough, you'll find yourself laughing at yourself more and taking life less seriously.

juniper, like abe lincoln, cannot tell a lie. and sometimes, when pointing out the truth, she can be really rude. she doesn't even realize when she's being rude. sometimes she'll be talking about ism and how guys force unnecissary beauty expectations on girls and some guy will be like, "well i'm not like that" and juniper will respond with, "a.) yeah you probably are, and b-z.) no one cares". there are times when she catches what she says after it's come out and she apologizes so many times. juniper plays by the rules, and will reveal when a person is cheating (even herself) because it's part of her moral code. she's very outspoken and is often the one to stand up and speak the truth that no one wants to hear. she's always trusted to tell the truth and she can look at both sides of a situation fairly.

juniper just isn't the type to kinda like something, she loves it with her whole heart. she'll admit: yes she has cried over dumb dramas or fictional characters. yes she has had to stop reading and take a 20 minute break because she was so emotionally invested. hey kids, wanna see her limited edition, mint-condition star trek figures? or maybe her shelf filled with every studio ghibli film? what about her anime merch? i know, you seem to be into old snes games. juniper has a big heart and often fills it with shows and movies and video games and they're just her happy obsession. but, she'd never let anyone in real life know she was that nerdy because who actually likes nerdy people? not even juniper likes nerdy people, so she keeps her interests locked deep down.

* purikura ; purikura is love, purikura is life
* hair products ; they're her life
* block b ; they were her first kpop group
* soup ; chicken noodle soup is love. chiken noodle soup is life
* dungeons & dragons ; no its not nerdy its totes cool!!!!
* animals ; they're so cute and precious she wants like 80 of them

* fast food ; ew ew ew the grease the smell the clogged arteries no thanks
* toes ; no no no put your nasty macklemore-lookin toes away were you raised in a barn??
* nerdy people ; you know the kind. the ones who think their inherently better than everyone else and ize asian & british culture and only really like it for the shows. the ones who run around saying "superwholock" and being disgusting
* lying ; looks like you're going to jail punk
* ism ; down with male ego, up with matriarchy

* watching girl code ; out of all the things that remind her of home, girl code is her favorite
* gaming ; both tableop and console. she will destroy anyone who challanges her
* reading comic books ; she loves loves loves comic books with her whole heart
* knitting ; no its not an old lady thing to do, you're an old lady to do

* deep-condition ;  deep conditions her hair bi-weekly. she does it to keep her hair healthy because of the bleach, and without deep conditioning, juniper would probably die

* 1+
* embarrassing herself
* going on feminist rants
* imitations of deep voiced rappers

* at her high school graduation as she was stood to face the crowd and wave her diploma in the air when she tripped, fell off stage, and broke the tuba player's arm. there are still videos of it floating around
* she wants to write and compose a song for her sister, but instead of singing it, she'd sign it
* lived in atlanta's koreatown
* loves it when little kids ask to touch her hair
* if she had to choose one block b member to date, she'd probably cry
* her fav show is star trek the original series
* enforces a "no walking around barefoot" rule in the dorm because she hates toes
* loves knitting sweaters and scarves for fans because they are the sweetest and deserve to be warm and cozy
* the quickest way to her heart is to have a gummy smile

"my ideal type? well... i'm not sayin' eric nam but, eric nam. i mean no, i don't have a crush on eric nam at all!! my ideal type is actually all of block b. gross, crude, funny, open, uniqe losers, yet loving and passionate,"
purikura (iphone) account: juniper
tumblr: lifeandtimesofjuniperdo.tumblr.com
FAMILY: format is like this
* granny / name / occupation / age / 3 personality traits / description of relationship with your character.

* mom / name / occupation / age / 3 personality traits / description of relationship with your character.

* dad / name / occupation / age / 3 personality traits / description of relationship with your character.

* brother / ike do / occupation / 26 / 3 personality traits / description of relationship with your character.

* sister / stella do / occupation / 14 / 3 personality traits / description of relationship with your character.
* acquaintance / rapmonster kim namjoon / leader of bts / 20 / 3 personality traits / the god and goddess of destruction. they destroy everything in their path, even if they're just standing around doing nothing. they talk occasionally abouting recording and filming, nothing too special.
BIRTHDAY: 11 / 17 / 88
BIRTHPLACE & HOMETOWN: atlanta, georgia, us
eric is her brother's best friend, and she's had a crush on him for as long as she could remember. she's supported him alongside her brother since he told them he wanted to be an idol. she's watched him have other girlfriends and watched him all the time on birth of a great star. their relationship is pretty much akdong musician's 200% mv (when juniper saw that mv she actually curled up into a ball and thought of eric).

every time eric's around, juniper wants to curl up into a ball and dissolve into the floor because look at that perfect goddamned face. she can never seem to look him in his gorgeous eyes because whenever eric's around, that speck of dirt on the floor is so much more interesting. anything witty and even slightly intelligent that she had in her mind immediately flees and everything turns into another "american sahara dessert" incident. but she also has the sudden urge to kiss those hideously perfect lips because she wants to be the one on his mind because every little touch they have sends a jolt down her spine, a jolt that’s like a drug to her, and juniper is an addict. whenever eric says her name, it sounds like music and whenever he looks at her she grows warm. but she also wants eric to notice when she's done something a little different like wearing different colored tights or is sporting a new hairstyle or that her face is especially radiant because of some yogurt masks. sometimes before she goes to sleep, she wonders what it'd feel like to have eric give her a goodnight kiss. she then proceeds to roll about in her bed while turning more red than a tomato because serious, how lame is that? but most importantly, eric makes juniper feel like she wants to jump in front of the nearest bus because how can someone so pretty and perfect like a girl who's practically been like a little sister pretty much their whole lives?

they first met after the do family first came from korea. her brother brought eric home from school because he was the only other korean at ike’s (and soon to be juniper’s) elementary school. ike introduced him to the whole family, even granny, and the first thing eric said when he saw juniper was “your little sister’s so cute!” and that was the day she developed the biggest crush on eric.

eric had always been five years her senior, and her brother’s best friend, so he was virtually off limits. but the dos and nams maintained a very close bonds, always inviting each other to cookouts, going out together, babysitting each other’s children, they were so close that the do children would refer to mama and papa nam as “auntie” and “uncle”. juniper never really had many friends as a kid, so she’d often hang out with ike and eric (when they’d let her). ike was always opposed to and annoyed that his sister always wanted to play with them, but eric would smile sweetly and even promised to play dolls with her. eric was the first one to introduce her to video games when he gave her his old snes that his parents wanted him to get rid of. eric liked to sing in church a lot, and was in a boy’s choir. juniper went with auntie and uncle nam every week, even if she didn’t like the sermon.

prom night had to be the worst and best night of juniper’s life. she got all dolled up, took pictures with her boyfriend, went out to dinner with him and their friends beforehand, watched raindrops race, and the night started out great. but then he excused himself while at the actual dance and was gone for about 45 minutes and juniper got worried, so she went off to find him. after searching for 15 minutes, asking his friends and stuff, she finally found him. off the face of a white girl. juniper was in tears and she left the prom hall and stood outside in the pouring rain as she thought of what she could do. she didn’t want to call her brother or her parents or granny, they’d make such a scene and her prom would be more ruined than it already was. she didn’t want to call stella, because stella couldn’t drive. so she called the one she needed: eric. eric was currently in town, on break from university, and staying at his parent’s house while they were on a business trip. he picked up the phone, and juniper was sobbing, so he jumped out of bed and took the old, beat up minivan to the prom hall and picked juniper up.

they drove back to eric’s house in relative silence. when they got there, they went to his room and he gave her an oversized sweater, “you’ll get cold if you stay in that,” and his face was soon painted red, “a-are your undies wet too?? sh-should i go next door and get some?? i’ll get you some pajama pants too!” juniper doesn’t know how he did it, but eric actually did manage to get and jammies without getting caught. she changed her clothes and laid on eric’s bed, and he sat next to her. “soo do you wanna talk about it?” she shook her head. “do you just wanna cry?” she nodded. so eric held her in his well-sculpted, muscular, college boy arms and let her cry herself out. he couldn’t stand seeing her like that so he said, “hey, how about we go do something fun? anything?” they did a whole bunch. they decorated cheap t-shirts, made s’mores, made a bunch of cute purikura photos, had a “spa night” (where they both had face masks and eric let juniper paint his nails), juniper did dramatic readings of the worst fanfics ever, and they laughed until they were sore. they rolled on the floor, howling with laughter, and when the stopped rolling, their faces were centimeters apart. the obnoxious laughing turned into nervous giggles and their voices grew quiet.
“eric, y-you really made this night um r-really special,”
“yeah? it feels special for me too,”
“um eric?”
“c-can i kiss you? wait no oh gosh i’m sorry i am absolute trash just put me in the dumpster right this minute. actually don’t because there are raccoons out there and i’m scared of raccoons--”
everything seemed to stop. there was no eric, there was no juniper, they were one. it was sweet yet sent a sharp jolt down juniper’s spine. it was gentle yet full of need. it ended too quickly and lasted forever all at once. and it didn’t stop at a kiss, they went all the way. right there. on eric’s bedroom floor. in facemasks. and juniper wouldn’t have had it any other way.

the two struck up a relationship after that, but whatever flame they had was soon dashed as eric was discovered by mbc and was put on “birth of a great star”. they ended the relationship on mutual terms, and they nams and dos would always have viewing parties and always cheer eric on.

when juniper was a trainee under js, eric was promoting his first album “cloud 9” and had a fanmeet later in the day. even though she had lessons that day, she decided to play hookey and try to see him, she even wore the sweater her gave her on prom night. she ended up waiting for three hours before she made it to the front of the line and she took a deep breath and said, “do you know who i am?” eric looked really really confused and juniper pouted, “really? you don’t remember your best friend’s little sister?” and then his face lit up and he almost reached across the table to hug her. they talked for as long as they could, which was only a minute, and juniper scribbled down her phone number for eric.

haha guess who i based her voice off of?? i'll give you a hint: her name starts with h and ends in ayley, and her last name starts with w and ends in illiams
eric and juniper's song is "
i won't give up" by jason mraz
SCENE REQUESTS: list here! :)
MUSIC YOU KNOW: which girl-groups do you know? i am trying to make BLISS debut with 'new' songs so this will be very helpful for me.





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