I'm lying in bed after a hectic monday... then again when are my days never hectic?

It's only 6 days till Christmas and my teachers are throwing labs, exams, essays and quizzes at me like grenades. But fear not, I will survive...? Fortunately, I've had time to update one of my fics so my readers know I'm still alive.

I've also reached 300+ subs in total! [Insert happy shouts and MBLAQ's 'Oh Yeah']

Badum badum badum :)

Also, Kim Jong Ill's dead. First thing is, why are so many famous/infamous people dying this year?! Steve Jobs, Oasma Bin Laden, Jack Layton, That Egyptian guy right? And now Kim Jong il?! Off topic here, but why is Kim Jong Ill not spelt like Kim Jung Ill which is what it actually is? Thats odd. 

Anyways, this makes me super antsy since alot of my family are military men, my cousins work at pretty high positions and I'm hoping nothing bad will break out that causes them any harm. I'm fearing a revolution of some sort in NK. Also, my very beloved Rain (Jung Jihoon) is also in the military and I pray very much, along with all the other dutiful men serving in the army, to be safe! Let's keep them and their families and all of Korea in our thoughts yes?

But all in all, I don't think anything too grand will be happening anytime soon. I'm working on writing down some new chapters so I can update all three of my fics on Christmas as a holiday present. It's been too long since Dara and Seungho have had any action! That and my brand new fic only has one chapter in it right now and my beloved readers are probably wondering if there's ever going to be a second. There is! I swear.

Also I'm curious, do I have any French readers? I'm studying French and I love it so so so much. Oui je l'adore beaucoup. I also must get working on getting a poster for my new fic. Oh boy. I feel like I've chewed off a bit more than I can chew this week. 

But fear not! What doesn't kill us makes us stronger :)
I wish all of you a happy week!!! Horraay! 


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