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running boys: ellington byeon.

korean name: byeon gi hoon
other names: ellington byeon.
elli ; used by most because it's shorter and cuter than ellington
mr. get-rich-quick ; s call him thise referring to the fact that he always comes up with really bad ideas that are really stupid, like get-rich-quick schemes.

birthday & age: 05/05/1995 + 19 years old
blood type: o+

height: 174cm.
weight: 52kg.

ethnicity: korean
hometown: johannesburg, south africa
birthplace: johannesburg, south africa
english ; native
korean ; fluent
Afrikaans ; proficient

jo geun hyeon 2
back-up faceclaim: nam woong
he has a tattoo on his right pec of hands clasped together in prayer, and another tattoo on his arm (see ulzzang for reference)

personality traits:

( + )  quirky, charismatic, jovial, bold, free-spirited, courageous, simple, confident
( – )  dumb, over-dramatic, annoying, ditzy, forgetful, crybaby, ungainly, manipulative

it don't mean a thing ; named after pianist and jazz orchestra bandleader, duke ellington

take the a-train ; loves jazz music & ella fitzgerald is one of his most favorite singers

support the movement ; is part of the boys in crop tops 2k14 movement

(one of those) crazy girls ; his favorite song, despite being a jazz lover, is "(one of those) crazy girls" by paramore

different? ; ellington is a huge huge fan of boygroups, even more so than his sister. he more boygroup dances than he can count on his hands and feet (excluding his own). b1a4 is his favorite and he secretly has all their albums and a stash of merch. his love for b1a4 has actually been the cause for many rumors about his uality

not the brightest ; despite what he may say he always always always has the dumbest and most complicated way of doing everything. in fact its so bad that no one really listens to him anymore.

stupid and brave is never a good combo ; elli's confidence actually stems from his stupidity and baseless confidence, and as a result he takes a lot of (innovative) yet really dumb risks and forgets his own skills (or lack thereof). oh we have to get to the other side of the river and there's no way across? "nonsense! we'll just scale the trees across!!" elli, have you forgotten that you don't know how to climb trees? we have to win a girls heart? "i'll need fifty pounds of chicken nuggets--"

makes the world go 'round ;  loves soft pretzels and mcdonald's chicken nuggets

macklemore lookin' toes ; hates hates hates feet. hates hates hates toes. hates every sandal. wants to burn everyone who just let their nasty, crooked, fungi-growing toes hang loose at any time other than bedtime

working class ; his first job was at mcdonald's back in johannesburg, and he'd always swipe the chicken nuggets and kept them in his pocket because they were so good. so, so good. he was fired from 3 mcdonalds because of this, and when he went to apply for the 4th, the other 3 jumped in and said "don't hire him, he burns the meat and steals the chicken nuggets!"

belongs in 2007 with character limits ; literally gets offended when he sees someone wearing a fedora with a neckbeard

no i don't speak with a british accent ; has a south african accent when saying english words ("ay-la-bama" instead of "al-luh-bah-ma") and gets really upset when people say he sounds british

comedy gold ; tells the worst jokes. why couldn't the man find his map? "why?" because the man lost his map

if it ain't got that swing ; back in johannesburg, ellington would perform at a local jazz cabaret "if all the stars were pretty babies"

dream a little dream of me ; his favorite jazz song is "dream a little dream of me" and his favorite version is, naturally, ella's

runs in the family ; has three older siblings (one girl and two boys) and two younger siblings (both boys) and they all have jazz themed names. their names from oldest to youngest are: ella, baise, calloway, (elli), coltrane, and jazz

definition of the word "irony"? ; would not hesitate to face a raging bull head on, but make him go near a goose and he looses his

i am the selfie king ; has taken over 2000 selfies of himself

am i gay? am i straight? no one knows ; elli's uality is rather ambiguous. mainly because he makes offhanded comments like "wow i wanna kiss you" or "i would hold your hand but then my hand would get sweaty because you are too cute," to guys and girls alike.

buggies must be protected at all costs ; bugs are his most favorite thing ever

doctor, doctor, give me the news ; has at least 20 pairs of doc martens

too kawaii to live ; uses aegyo to get what he wants

savant idiot ; elli knows that people think he's a simple idiot and that he's no threat, and he plays on their perception of him in order to catch them off guard and oblitterate them.

seriously? ; once cried because he couldn't find his toffee candy (he ended up throwing it out later). also cried after he stepped on a snail at lotte world and the group had to buy him a bunch of soft pretzels to make him feel better.

don't eat his pretzels ; one day a member ate the last of his microwaveable soft pretzels and elli fell to the ground, curled up in the fetal position, and cried for about 2 hours

sleepy ; has a habit of falling asleep in random places like the other members beds, the laundry basket, and the bathtub

can't sleep ; he can't sleep if there is a plastic bag out in the open

don't laugh! ; is scared less of plastic grocery bags and plastic wrap because he's worried someone might try and suffocate him

midnight snack ; only eats cheerios, only eats them at midnight, and always eats them with peanut butter cookies

call the fashion police ; his closet is 50% shorts 40% cosby sweater and 10% doc martens

curse you park kyung ; tried doing park kyung's "shoulder dance" and dislocated his shoulder

please don't hate me!! ; he shaved his head one day to help raise money for childhood cancer research, and the tabloids and some "fans" were up in arms about it and swarmmed their fancafe with mean comments about how his bald head shone brighter than the sun

booty rockin' everywhere ; is voted "best " in the group. it's very round and perky, and while he is a dancer, it still retains a bit of jiggle when it's smacked

on running boys
"don't cheer for the other team, you idiot!"
it always seems like elli's confused about which team he's on. he'll cheer for everyone, even the little buggie crossing the sidewalk, and his teammates usually scold him about encouraging the other team. elli puts forth the image of a good sport, someone who wants everyone to have a good time and love one another. but that's just all apart of his master plan to crush them all and reign victorious. he makes everyone think that he's harmless and doesn't care about victory and then, when they least expect it, he'll swipe the victory right from under their noses.

"elli-ah, desperate times call for desperate measures,"
when working on a team, no matter who it is, they usually never listen to elli unless they're desperate. when all other options have been exhausted, then they turn to elli for a bright idea. most of the time, they fail miserably, but once in every blue moon, elli will come out victorious. he's so dumb that something he comes up with has to work and to be honest, the other teams never seem to know what hit them once one of elli's plans are pushed into action.

stage name: ellington
show persona: the cheerleader

preferred position: lead vocal, lead dancer
back-up position: main rapper
idol group: olympian

username: shinjigetintherobot
nickname: shinji
scene suggestions
i-i can't believe that worked! ; elli's team is in the lose, and the stakes are really really high here. the team is growing mushrooms in the corner when elli stands up and says, "alright team listen up! i have a plan that may be crazy enough to work!" and what elli comes up with is the most ludacris, dumbest idea yet. having no other ideas, the team sighs and decides to go through with it. against all odds, elli's team steals the victory at the last second.

i'm your biggest fan!! ; b1a4 are guests on the show. the first thing elli does when he sees them is screeches at the top of his lungs.

  go back to running boys!


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