
Today I have to watch my nephew for a short amount of time so I some cartoons for him in my room. But then I thought,"I should probably make him do something more productive other than sticking him in front of the television (yeah, I said television >.>, And?) all day." So I decided to bring out one of my old sketchbooks and my colored pencils. Now these are not just your typical colored pencils. These are more expensive, eco-friendly colored pencils.

So anyways, I'm just sitting here at my desk finishing up the next chapter for my story. My nephew started acting alittle crazy so I turned around to tell him to calm down and a piece of one of my colored pencils was on the floor. They're fairly strong pencils so how the heck did he do that and without me hearing it?! So I just told him to stop and just kind of blew it off and went back to working.

*turns back around in about 10 mintues* My nephew now has another piece of a different colored pencil in his mouth. Wtf?! Is he hungry or something? -__- Impossible. He just ate, like, an hour ago.

Then when I found out he had one of my SD cards, I nicely asked him to hand it over, twice, and he threw it across the room. So now I'm just like...



Cause now I have to get up and get it before he finds it again. And little kids, especially my nephew, love hiding things so you can't find them when you need them. >.< Na wae~?


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Takeing care of little kids is like so hard! *TRY TAKING CARE OF 4 Little 3 years olds...yeah*
luluhunnie #2
LOL #sodone XD