[ Mrs. Agent ] — Lee Jimin


Mrs. Agent
Lee Jimin
About you

Name :  
Lee Jimin 

Minnie | Lee Taemin (Little Brother) | It's a petname they use for each other simply due to the fact that is the shared syllable in their name. They've been calling each other this for so long, they don't actually remember when or why it started, just that the other sibling will definitely respond.


Age :
25 (Korean) 24 (International)


Birthdate :
June 18th, 1989


Birthplace : 
Incheon, Korea


Hometown : 
Incheon, Korea


Ethnicity : 
South Korean


Languages : 
Korean | Fluent (Native) | She was born and raised in Korea, with Korean parents and Korean peers.
Chinese | Fluent (Mandarin) | She learned this all throughout jr. and sr. high school, since her father is a businessman and wanted her to have knowledge of the language since he did a lot of his business between China and Korea. The family has taken several trips to mainland China over the summers where she finished polishing her Chinese to fluency.



Personality Traits : 
+ Overwhelmingly Stubborn
+ Independent
+ Self Confident (borderline over-Confident)
+ Reckless
+ Ambitious
+ Irascible (when the right nerve is hit)
+ Diligent
+ Responsible
+ Courageous
+ Loyal


Personality : 
One of the core traits that Jimin exhibited since she was a wee babe is the fact that she is as stubborn as a mule and twice as fiery. When she sets her mind on something, she rarely backs down, and will fight with words and fists if necessary to defend her way and her opinions. While she is willing to compromise, she usually has a lot of justification for her standpoints, so it takes a lot for her to change her mind on things. Her stubborness is mostly the result of her disire to be true to herself -- she doesn't want to change how she acts or appears, simply because someone else doesn't like her image or society itself won't accept her. She works independently and she never bothered with receiving approval from anyone outside her mother and brother. Her natural self-confidence and faith in her actions and beliefs lead her to be one tough cookie, whether it's in the multitude of sports that she loves, or in getting her guy. She doesn't care for those who can't accept her way of life, and won't hold back making that obvious.

Unfortunately her tough personality has plenty of the natural flaws that come with being so stubborn and headstrong. Her confidence is so high that more often than not people confuse her for being completely over-confident in her abilities and herself. While yes, she can be, she also is aware of her limits to some degree. She acknowledges that some things she would never be good at, like writing or art, or music, and isn't afraid to admit to those weaknesses. At the same time, in her strengths, she can be a little reckless, not entirely because of her confidence, but rather from adrenaline. She loves the high of adrenaline and can get completely caught up in a situation of high tension and quick pace, to the point where she forgets herself and ends up overestimating her capabilities and hurting herself.

Another way she also gets herself hurt is from her temper. Jimin has been shown to be very easily angered if someone knows how to touch her buttons. She can remain pretty calm for most situations, but when provoked in the right manner, she's as irascible as it gets. She'll lash out and is prone to being even more reckless than when she's having an adrenaline rush. Her anger in this state doesn't die easily. Strangely enough, initially, she does not react like an animal in this state -- in fact she seems more quiet than she usually is, which is usually the signal that she's incredibly pissed off. Once that initial tension passes though, she's pretty much like a rabid dog let loose.

In spite of her flaws, Jimin also displays a lot of ambition and diligence. Since she was denied her dreams as a child, she's become fixated on them now that she can work of her own will and has her own life ahead of her. She drives herself through her self-confidence and her passion for what she loves, and won't hesitate to work extra long or extra hard to accomplish what she sets her mind on. At times, this can get to a point where she develops a one track mind, and can only focus on the task she's trying to accomplish, and will put everything second to finishing it. This does make her a responsible person, but at the same time in order to live up to her responsibilities, she sometimes makes short-sighted decisions and has poor judgement.

Also within the spectrum of her persona, lies courage and loyalty. As a branch off her confidence once again, Jimin is a very courageous person. She rarely lets her fears (yes she has them) get a hold of her, and is always standing up for her way or whatever she supports. She's the kind of person who would step between a bully and victim, granted she'd most likely take the defending too far and end up kicking the bully's arse to the Netherlands and back. She also has a fierce loyalty -- anyone who she believes deserves her trust will have a hard time finding someone who will be as faithful to them as Jimin could be. She will do anything she can not to let the people she's close to down, and even at the cost of her own well-being she would never betray their faith in her. Jimin will do most anything in her power to deserve the trust that she receives from those she trusts herself.



Background : 
Jimin's childhood isn't something she likes to discuss -- ever since she was young, her father had tried to mold her to his ideal image, particularly since she displayed very early on that she was a rowdy, stubborn little girl. While her mother did her best to try and convince her father that Jimin should grow up with less expectations, he couldn't stand that his daughter was showing signs of being very rebllious in nature, from the way she climbed, ran and jumped over everything, to how she refused to listen to him if he yelled at her or if she really didn't want to do something. From the start, she never got close to her father since both were very close-minded about how they wanted to live well, her life. The only time they really got along was when he'd bring the family with him to car shows and she's oodle over the new models, learning about them and quickly building a fascination for the vehicles that her father spoke so pleasantly about, and that her uncle worked on diligently day and night for a living.

When she was finally old enough to start dressing herself and defining her true character, Jimin quickly took in athletics and found a way to get out all her excess energy -- martial arts. After her mother spoke to her father to let her go to classes if she'd learn Chinese in school and improve her grades, she was able to learn Taekwondo as a starter. Her dedication to the class quickly brought her to mastery, but displeased with the weaknesses she couldn't cover with just that art, she moved on to learn more forms of fighting. She even participated in several competitions, and has medalled in many. Her talent quickly blossomed, and she went on to continue to participate in martial arts in after school classes and clubs.

As she grew up and increasingly became more boy-ish in nature, her father did eventually lighten up on trying to change her, but still discouraged all her actions, including her choice of clothing, and her dreams of being either an athlete or working on cars rather than with them. This kind of discouragement made Jimin prone to doing more physical activities and working even harder, just to prove him wrong, as well as avoid him with being busy keeping her grades at least decent to suade her mother's will and being active.

By the time she was a teenager, Jimin had already become well equipped with her physical half -- she was well trained and continued to pursue perfection in her art. Her father had become more concerned with raising Taemin, who was much more willing to fit into his idea of a perfect son than Jimin was of being the perfect daughter, so she was mostly on her own devices. She developed her own sense of fashion that made her look much more like a boy, but that mostly didn't matter to her -- she liked how she looked with boy clothing, and it was plenty more comfortable and practical than skirts or dresses. She built stronger relationships with the rest of her family in hopes of not letting it fall too far apart. Until that day anyway..

** Note | I suggest reading how she became an agent before the Now section. It connects better chronologically, but I didn't want to change the application like that. **


Now : 
After being recruited to be a secret agent, Jimin's life took a strange turn. She had returned home after the fateful day and resumed life after apologizing to her family and taking responsibility for running away and acting so brash. She even apologized to her father, albeit semi-reluctantly, and with a bit of bitterness. The two shared a moment of finally being on the same page in her book of life, and she mostly reconciled. She spoke to her family seriously about what she wanted to do with her life -- her love of sport, and working on repairing and fixing cars, rather than selling them. She told them how she wanted to become an apprentice mechanic under her uncle, and how she had no intention to continue her education after finishing high school.

In all honesty, the message didn't go across too well. She and her father argued again, albeit this time much calmer and without the same escalation as the day past, but in the end, there was little more to discuss. Even his wife and son didn't see his daughter changing. Jimin had made up her mind about her own life, and after 16 years, her father gave up. His daughter couldn't be changed, and couldn't be his ideal little girl. Whatever thoughts or objections he had about her life, he kept to himself for the most part from then on, and let Jimin run herself like she wanted.

The years after that were mostly peaceful, with just awkward tension. With her father no longer barging into her life, she kept her secret life hidden quite well, since she was usually busy anyway. The random disapperances were covered well by "club activities" or "events" and no one tried to question her much. Her mother has had her concerns, but it wasn't in her nature to pry, as well as the fact she had faith that her daughter could handle herself. Taemin himself, was usually too busy with his own schooling and living by his father's plan to really notice. That and he wasn't that observant in the first place..

After graduation, Jimin did as she promised and became an apprentice mechanic under her uncle, applying her knowledge of cars and helping him in the shop. She works and stays with him for the most part, and as long as she gets all her work done, he usually doesn't mind her taking breaks or going off to what he assumes is training. She wakes quite early, usually around 6am, to prepare for the day, and heads immediately to working on the cars and learning in the process. Her shift usually has a lunch break around noon for an hour or two before she gets back to work for another three hours or so and then heads to make dinner for her uncle and his son. She has Sundays and Mondays off to herself, and spends most of those days training, or going out with friends or Sunggyu. 



How and why she got chosen as a secret agent : 
It was that day. That one day that changed everything. Just a quarter way into her 16th year of life, Jimin's anger finally blew over the top. After her father had once again, tried to speak with her and tell her that she wasn't "right" and that the things she loved weren't meant for her, Jimin's heart chose not to take it anymore. That night, screaming and hits flew out of the Lee household. A scared Taemin hid in his mother's bosom as his older sister and father raised their voices till it hurt his ears, and cried as Jimin's own tears fell.

It had never been that bad, never been so loud, never been so rough. And father had never tried to hit her. Tried. Ten years of martial arts experience paid off in the most unexpected way, when her first true assaulter would be her father. Jimin hadn't been hit -- she hadn't gotten touched by the slap that was coming at her, but she could feel the sting of it against her heart. Not once before had her father been so adamant about his cause to change her that he had tried to hit her.

Pretty much the breaking point for Jimin, she ran off in to the streets and scrambled to get away from the oppression she felt. Her strength could only carry her so far, and apparently sixteen years was the limit. In a bout of anger, Jimin went to demonstrate her close combat skills in the nearby park after she had thrown away her tears. She called over her friends from the martial arts club at school, and soon enough they were sparring together in public, attracting quite the crowd with how Jimin practically launched herself on her fellows. Lee Byunghun's father, was apparently a part of the crowd.

After Jimin had thrown down yet another one of her friends with a perfectly placed kick, she found her adrenaline dying and chose to leave the crowded area. With home being the last place she wanted to go back to, she found herself calling her brother to tell him and her mother she was okay, in a small cafe in town. When the phone was put down, a drink was set in front of her, and she found herself face to face with Lee Byunghun's father, and a chance to lead a whole other life.




+ Video Games, particularly FPS (First Person Shooter)
+ Cars and fixing them
+ Mixed Martial Arts
+ Any sports, but most prominently football and parkour
+ Cooking from scratch
+ Adrenaline Rushes
+ Fireworks
+ Loose Clothing
+ Fruity drinks
+ Karaoke, even though she


Dislikes : 
+ Seafood
+ Going out without applying SPF lotion
+ Sitting still unless it's in the driver's seat of a car
+ Swimming
+ Bikes and bikers
+ Smokers
+ The taste of energy drinks
+ Writing
+ Broken bones
+ Getting songs stuck in her head


Hobbies : 
+ Mixed Martial Arts, specifically Taekwondo (Mastery), Wing Chun Kung Fu (Mastery) and Judo (Advanced), and she has plans to continue learning more after achieving mastery in Judo
+ Parkour
+ Going out for long, pointless drives
+ Making chocolates from scratch
+ Playing video games on the family Xbox


Habits : 
+ Giving herself pep talks infront of a mirror.
+ Running her hand through her hair.
+ Sitting with her legs open.
+ Putting her feet up on tables.
+ Eye twitching when she's annoyed.


Trivia :
+ Sleeps on her stomach.
+ Likes to make her food from scratch.
+ Fears entering a coma, and would rather be put to sleep than live in a vegetative state.
+ Likes to prove it is completely possible to sprint in heels and wedges.
+ Constantly keeps her nails painted so she won't bite them.
+ Could care less if people thought she was a boy at first sight.
+ Can only do a doggy paddle when swimming.
+ Dislikes airplanes and boats as forms of transportation.
+ Has no plans to ever grow her hair out past her shoulders ever again.
+ Cuts and dyes her hair herself.
+ Changes her hairstyle or colour at least once every three months.
+ Can't draw a circle to save her life.
+ Secretly wishes that she could get along with her father.
+ Would throw almost anything down to go see the Olympics.
+ Has a permanent scar on her shin from when she broke it.
+ Her interest in Karaoke stems from Sunggyu loving to sing, and loving to listen to her try to sing.


Spy Speciality : 
+ Hand-to-Hand Combat | Taekwondo, wing chun kung fu, judo, parkour.. Honestly it'd be kinda hard to believe this wouldn't be her specialty. Thanks to her ridiculous number of years of training and athleticism, Jimin is a she-devil when in close combat. If you're within a three foot radius of her nimble legs, it's very likely your tush will be laid to the floor in ten seconds flat, unless equal mixed martial arts experience is present.


Weakness :
+ Stealth | She has a tendency to be very destructive during combat, whether it's making too much noise or just destroying anything in her way to get to her target.
+ Long-Range Combat | Unfortunately her concentration on close combat means that she never truly tried to develop her longer range combat style, even if she's a beast at FPS games. She doesn't like to wield a gun and couldn't snipe for the life of her. Thankfully she's really good at closing distances and is very agile, but this doesn't make up for the fact that she has quite the trouble with gunfire.

Strength :
Car Handling | From her background and passion with cars, Jimin is actually an incredible driver and is a learning mechanic, so she can handle a car very well. She knows how to do plenty of repairs, and even learned how to hotwire a car from her uncle. While she's a good mechanic when it comes to cars, she has no experience with any other machinery.


Family members: 
Father |
태균 Lee Taegyun | 51 | Businessman (Works for Hyundai Motor Company) | Jimin's relationship with her father has always been strained, due to her boyish tendencies and her independent nature. Ever since she was a child, her father's made many attempts to nip her passions in the bud and instill on her more 'appropriate' mannerisms, that would eventually lead her to following in his footsteps and becoming a part of the businessworld. Unfortunately, Jimin inherited all the stubborness of a bull and never did come around. She doesn't truly dislike her father, it's mostly just awkward between them simply because he believes that she should act more like a girl, and that her passions won't get her anywhere in life. They mostly avoid one another, which is pretty easy since the man is usually busy at work, and when they're forced to have interactions like at dinner (whenever Jimin came home to visit the family) where her mother insisted they all eat together, they resort to minimal conversation to avoid having more fights that hurt their family. In spite of their relationship, her father's involvement in the car industry was actually the catalyst for her passion for cars and learning how to fix them. Now, they don't speak, unless she's visiting her mother, and she makes respectable, but minimal interaction with him. She has forgiven some of his actions in her childhood, but doesn't believe they will ever truly be comfortable together.

Mother | 
순유화 Seon Yoo Hwa | 53 | Physical Therapist | Jimin's mother has saved her on way more than many accounts. Being that Jimin has been an athletic girl since elementary, she's being constantly injuring herself either by overworking or freak accidents. Having a physical therapist for a mother, most of the time she's helped Jimin get back on her feet, and Jimin couldn't be more grateful to the kind woman. Unlike her father, Jimin's mother was much more accepting of her daughter's progression toward more boyish behavior and her decision to pursue her dreams rather than follow her father's insistence in going into business. Jimin often worries about how meek and fragile her mother can be, and wishes she could get along better with her father if only to repay her beloved mother for all the care she's given her. Jimin's mother is the one she goes to in order to express her feelings about her father and their instablity, and they have a very close mother-daughter relationship. She still visits her and tries her best not to hurt the family bonds with the tension between her and her father, for her mother and brother's sake.

Little Brother | 
이태민 Lee Taemin | 20 | University Student | Despite the fact that Taemin chose to follow his father's footsteps and study business, Jimin and Taemin get along fine for two siblings with very different tastes. The two are incredibly close, just as close as Jimin is to her mother, and while the two have bickered and teased each other like most siblings do, they never had any huge fights. Jimin supports her brother, and he tries to support her, though it's hard for him to with his more gentle nature and their father's relentlessness. He was also a support in her life, and she appreciates his presence in their family, firstly because it did end up distracting her father from her life, and secondly because of his "perfect son" persona bringing peace to her mother. Taemin visits her in the shop often after classes and they are still very close, and share stories. Taemin keeps her up to date on family life without her being around, and she keeps him up to date with herself and at least the normal half of her life.

Uncle (Mother's Side) | 동화 Seon Dong Hwa | 55 | Mechanic | Her only, and favourite uncle, Jimin learned everything she knew about fixing and driving cars from him. She loves him dearly, especially since he supports her and doesn't mind how she acts unlike her father. In fact, he's probably one of the people she respects most. He took her in after she graduated high school and chose to become a mechanic. She's grateful he doesn't try to pry into why she had suddenly turned her life around, and he's glad to have a diligent, ambitious worker that will likely inherit his business since his own son doesn't want to.

Cousin (Mother's Side) |
서우 Seon Seong Woo | 22 | University Student | Her cousin, and her uncle's only son. They actually didn't meet for the longest while since Seong Woo lived with his mother in China until he chose to move to Korea to study and stay with his father, which was after Jimin had already moved in with him. He's usually at university, so he doesn't get to see or interact with Jimin a lot, but they're friendly when they're around one another. Seong Woo doesn't quite understand Jimin's story and how she ended up where she is now, but he doesn't view it as his place to question it. Their usual interactions are when she makes dinner for them, and he admires her cooking ability and independence. He does think it's a little weird though since at times he forgets she's not a he..


Rival : 
Chen Jia Li | 20 | University Student | One of Taemin's friends in University, she's studying abroad from China and the moment Taemin introduced them Jimin hasn't had the slightest inkling of good nature from the girl. Particularly with how touchy touchy she is with the naive boy. Knowing Taemin has about zero experience with women and that Jia Li was being way too forward with him to just be "friendly," she ended up following them around on a "hang out" and they've basically hated each other ever since. Jimin believes that Jia Li is manipulating her brother and only wants to get in his pants while Jia Li is supremely annoyed with the way Jimin always tries to interfere with her plans with Taemin. From what Jimin can tell, Jia Li is a shallow flirt, and is your average whiny, princess molded brat. Taemin himself hasn't caught on at all to the tension between them, nor to the advances that Jia Li is making on him.


love interest

Kim Sunggyu

25 (Korean), 24 (International)


Occupation : 
Computer Engineer


Personality Traits : 
+ Optimistic
+ Respectful
+ Easy Going
+ Passive
+ Mild
+ Honest (Bluntly)
+ Introverted
+ Calm
+ Clumsy
+ Oblivious


Personality : 
In many more ways than one, Sunggyu is quite the opposite of Jimin. He's very passive, and doesn't fight for himself that often, or maybe he just doesn't have much of an opinion to fight for. He isn't brash, isn't athletic, and more often than not is actually really tired. In fact he's clumsy if there was any way to describe it. Mostly he sticks to himself and doesn't pursue anything more than he already has. Sunggyu is content with how things are, and is optimistic that he'll always be this happy.

For the most part, Sunggyu is an easy-going person -- very hard to anger, and very forgiving; he has a hard time staying mad at people. He doesn't like tension, or fights, and even less causing trouble, so in the end his nature is very calming. He's very respectful, always using honorifics and bowing 90 degrees when speaking to others, and he knows how to be polite. He keeps his manners in check, but at the same time, won't hesitate to be bluntly honest if it comes down to it. His actions may be respectful, but his words can sting. More than anything else, Sunggyu values honesty, so he won't hold back his opinions in favour of being a little more respectful.

Sunggyu is mostly introverted as well. He does talk, and when you get him talking he's very good at doing so, but being around people for extended periods of time easily tires him out. He prefers to have some alone time and space, particularly to go to sleep and recharge. His personality is probably best summed up as mild -- nothing extreme, nothing particularly standing out, but all around average with a sprinkle of tiredness. He's also quite oblivious since he doesn't care to get too involved or think too much about things. At times he'll accidently miss hints since he doesn't realize they mean something beyond what he's given. This also connects with why he's so bluntly honest -- since he needs blunt honesty for himself to understand situations and things. 


How they met ? : 
Sunggyu and Jimin were actually unlikely friends since elementary. It pretty much all started when Jimin accidently dropped fingerpaint on his head when she was running around the play area avoiding the teacher. Even as a child he was mostly calm about it, and recovered quickly from the surprise. In the end, rather than being angry, he gave her a smile and put a red handprint on her face to get back at her. Since then, she became attached to the odd, easy going boy since he was one of the few people who wouldn't get mad at some point at her reckless nature.


Interaction :
Sunggyu is kind of like a foil to Jimin; always relaxed, with few things bothering him, and very willing to listen and let other people's perspectives influence his own. It was probably these differences that actually made them get along so well -- they balanced each other out. Over the years, Sunggyu was the one steady friend she hung out with all the time and talked to most. Even if they didn't share many interests, they were supportive of the other's passions. Jimin came to understand that Sunggyu would never be as active as she was -- in a way she preferred it that way. When she's around him, everything just seems more mild, and her life just seems like it's finally in order, and not always on the rush, or anything could come and attack her.

Sunggyu himself, knew that Jimin would never change her ways -- she was as feral as it got, and he was fine with that. It was a dynamic of life he didn't get to participate or see much due to his interests in computers and the fact he had an unusually weak heart. In a sense, he admires how headstrong and bold Jimin acts and runs her life how she wants to.

When they're together, it's very much like a scale that comes to equilibrium. Sunggyu becomes more talkative, and less tired, and even more bold, where Jimin mellows out and becomes more level headed and open. They enjoy more simpler activities that stablize their lives and prevent them from falling into one extreme or the other. They rarely run out of things to talk about, or things to do, and they sincerely enjoy each other's company doing the more simpler things in life. When one or the other gets upset, they're always there to carry each other out of their problems and back them up. Sunggyu is one of the few people that Jimin doesn't mind talking about her emotional weaknesses to, and elaborating on them. She trusts him, and he trusts her, and both are equally faithful to the other.

As time passed, eventually it was Jimin who furthered their relationship. After settling things with her family, she followed her feelings for Sunggyu that had developed over the years, and asked him out with the same confidence she always had. It was a bit of a shocking experience for Sunggyu, but at the same time it wasn't anything he could disagree to. They already shared many moments that could've established them as a couple long ago -- the words boyfriend and girlfriend just made things official.

In the end, not much changed with their relationship when they established that they were dating. Nothing really needed change, so neither bothered with messing with something that was already working perfectly on its own. After they graduated, Sunggyu went on to go to university to study computer engineering, and would visit Jimin who was working for her uncle. They continued dating for a few more years, remaining close as they always were and loving each other as properly as each knew how to, until just recently.

When Sunggyu proposed to a grease stained Jimin who almost dropped her wrench on him in shock. Course no one got injured, and that day ended in celebration with happy phone calls all around. Jimin even made a point to tell her father, though it was a little awkward. Luckily, Sunggyu wasn't someone that her father would disapprove of. If anything, there was relief that Jimin had chosen him, since her father believed he brought out a better, more acceptable side to his daughter.

And even after becoming engaged, not much changed except the extra rings, which Jimin wore on a necklace to protect it. Afterall, neither repairing cars or martial arts worked very well with keeping it safe. She rarely takes it off, but when they're going on dates she'll wear it on her finger instead. She usually keeps it tucked under her shirts, and it's on a sturdy chain so it can't be broken off easily.


Plot story : 
Since most of their love story as happened, this plot might be a bit shorter or on the side. Sunggyu is pretty oblivious, and he trusts that whatever Jimin is doing with her life she's doing for the better after knowing her for so long. Since he's so optimistic, it doesn't bother him much when she disappears, and Jimin has been keeping this secret so long she knows pretty well how to keep things believable. They've been engaged about a year now, and have no huge plans,  preferring just to let things play out like they have for most of their relationship. Their wedding would likely go on within a half year of the storyline start, and should be pretty small, probably with only other agents that Jimin is close to and family, and very close friends in attendance. The main plot would roll after this.

Somehow, Sunggyu accidently find out about her double identity, whether it's just they stumble on each other when she's going after a target or they just happen to be in the same place at the same time. Jimin feels turmoil in herself for the first time in awhile, and her confidence can be shaken at the shock she can tell Sunggyu has. She's worried that perhaps he can't trust her since he values honesty so much and she avoids him for the time being in order to get her thoughts back together and bring her life back into her control, probably by staying over at another agent's place whom she's close to.

Sunggyu ends up getting hurt trying to find her, preferrably by the target she missed the day she was caught by Sunggyu in action. Fortunately, Jimin had already been sent with the other agents to apprehend the villain, but they arrive late and couldn't keep him from being hurt, and pretty badly for the matter. Jimin becomes rage personified and basically tells one of the agents to take care of her husband before she goes bat insane on the runaway, meanwhile hurting herself in the process due to her reckless nature. Once the big fight is over, they're admitted to the same hospital for treatment, where she explains to Sunggyu her story and her other life. Still as caring (and probably just as crazy as his wife), Sunggyu ends up forgiving her from keeping her secret, not wanting to dwell on what's already happened and what hasn't changed them.

And so we reach a sappy ending (because those are the only ones I'm capable of), where Jimin can or cannot continue her job as a secret agent now that her husband knows her identity, and for the most part their lives move on. She still feels guilty about the whole incident, particularly since Sunggyu was dragged in, but chooses to make up for it by living together with him and being a good wife and the same friend he's always loved.

** Note: I don't mind at all if this plot is changed to be more angsty, more comedic, or just changed in general. In fact I'd be interested to see a spin on it, particularly the ending. I give free reign over their love life together, keeping in mind that Sunggyu is.. kinda a dimwit and really really too forgiving, so most likely her being a secret agent will not phase him in the least. If nothing, it will actually probably be amusing.



Back-up love interest :
Lee Jinki 
이진기/Onew [SHINee]

pretty face

Face claim : 
Park Younghee


Links :


Back-up face claim :
Hyun Bi Hyul

Links : 


Height :


Weight :


Style : While Jimin still retains some feminine charms, for the most part she wears loose clothing and highly prefers pants or shorts to skirts and dresses. In fact she almost never wears the latter, unless she feels compelled for some far-fetched reason to be more feminine. Even in formal situations, she opts for dress pants and men's dress shirts, simply because they're much more comfortable and practical in her opinion. She usually dresses very casually -- the stuff she'd wear around the house is mostly the same stuff she'd wear on the streets. Baggy sweaters, tank tops, stretchy jeans, and sneakers are all favourite items of clothing. To express her own style, she'll usually throw in a few layers, and uses lots of colour combinations. She likes the way she looks in boy clothing, but at the same time she won't oppose wearing girl's clothing as long as they fit into her parameters of comfort. She's not trying to hide that she's a girl -- she's merely wearing the clothing she feels most comfortable and stylish in.


Links :

Home - [1] [2] [3] [4]

Casual - [1] [2] [3] [4]

Formal - [1] [2] [3] [4]

Date - [1] [2] [3] [4]

Mission - [1] [2]



Username :


Nickname :


Activeness :


Comments : Wow this took a lot longer than expected, but it was really fun building her. I fixed the number of martial arts :3


Scene Request : 
+ "Minnie, why were you on the roof?" | One of the days that Jimin happens to be visiting her mother and brother, Taemin leaves in a rush to "hang out" with Jia Li, who just happens to want to dress like a that day. Highly disapproving Jimin doesn't like the display at the front door, and decides she needs to make a follow up stalking trip to the first time she crashed one of their "innocent" dates. She follows them in secret, mostly jumping from rooftops, until they settle in a small cafe where Jia Li seems to be making a move on her little bro. Jimin, literally falls off the roof and catches herself to interrupt their little fest, and uses the excuse that the roof was wet from the rain the other day and she slipped while practicing parkour. Jia Li wants to call bs, but Taemin's already so used to his sister doing weird things like that, that he believes her, and in fact invites her to join them like the oblivious little boy he is. Course Jia Li is anything but happy, but Jimin happily interferes with her plans and grabs the seat beside her little brother. Overprotective big sister to the rescue.
+ Unintentional All-Nighter | Jimin sneaks back into her new apartment with Sunggyu late, and ends up waking him up by tripping on something he put out in the middle of their floor and forgot to put away. He's too drowsy to really care that he was woken at 3am in the morning though, and barely registers it, making some incomprehensible speech before falling back asleep. Unfortunately, waking him up like that is enough to cause Jimin restlessness -- so much that she can't go to sleep herself. She ends up all grumpy in the morning making breakfast, and Sunggyu notices her strange attitude. He doesn't remember waking up at all, so he doesn't quite understand why she's all dark circles and grumbly, but he moves in with all his charms to get her back to being happy. They have happy newlyweds fluff and stuff and Jimin falls asleep on him later that day while they're relaxing together.


Anything ?:  Not that I can think of. Other than that I apologize if the code is messed up in anyway -- my computer doesn't like them.






layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes








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