Why is it always me?

i mean like ok i get it. your grandfather died. 

i know it hurts and i'm sorry but if you really needed someone to talk to....

why didnt you call me? you know you can always call me. 

but instead you're too busy with your boyfriend and with everything else

and every time i call you- your voicemail picks up. 

and then you give me coz i didnt contact you and asked you how you were

when you're the one thats ALWAYS busy.

you know what.... ...... shut up.

i dont need anymore drama in my life thank you.

and this is WHY i don't have a lot of friends that are girls.....


guys as friends are way better. NO FREAKIN DRAMA.


i get it someone died. but everyone dies sooner or later. let him RIP. he's long over due.

sorry if that sounds so mean but seriously.... she's blaming me for being cold.... when she's the one ALWAYS SO DAMN BUSY.


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ForeverFive #1
obviously, she's the one who is wrong here. I guess she is the type that never admit her mistake. You know what, guys friends are way much better, but i just don't know how to make friends. *i'm so weird*
If she keep on mad at you, i think it's better to find someone else. She's not even worth your time.