~ Hi. This is a game I wanted to try out. It's called FLAME. It's one of those games that girls play to see if their crush is really meant to be with them. I don't believe whatever outcome I get when I play this game. I'll give step by step on how it goes. Your welcome to try it if you want. :)


Step 1: On a sheet of paper, write your name and the first name of a person of the opposite . 



~ I decided to use Sehun for this game

Step 2: See what letters the names have in common. If any of the letters match on the names, cross out all of that letter on both names.



~ We only have n and e in common.

Step 3: Count all of the leftover letters.



~ There are 8 letters left.

Step 4: Write down below that the word FLAME. With each letter, starting from the left, count up to the number you got in the previous step. Return to the F on the left with each pass.


1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 

Step 5: Whichever letter you land on, based on the number. The letter you land on has a word that it stands for in the acronym 'flame'.

F = Friends

L = Love

A = Affection

M = Marriage

E = Enemies

~ When  I counted, I stopped on A. So, Sehun and I are affectionate towards each other. :)


~Yeah this was just something I wanted to do for fun. This game is actually really popular in the Philippines and was played during the 90's. Try it for fun. :)

(On a side note, I'm very happy about the results XD. Also, I just noticed that I gave you all my name. There you have it I guess. My name is Danielle)


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My sister (Yixing) and I (Kyungsoo) both got Love! omg this is the first time I played this game and luck is with me right now, I think?

Oooohh I think I'm going to do this more often and tell my friends about this game!

Thanks for sharing!