
most times i get lost in my own thoughts, then I think how amazing you are; 

even if this is cheesy as hell, I saw one post to someone and I thought why not do one to you?

who cares how gay it is. i just really wanna do it. &&&& it actually makes a year today ( 3rd of may ) that we first talked.

so, remember when we met? okay. i still find that funny. casually prints screens and puts here.


 okay. so i'm laughing. because the reason why we talked.
 wasn't the best. wasn't the happiest. nor was i expecting we'd get attatched.
 i don't really know how to do this blog for you 'cause i really wanna do
 something that will make you smile loads you know? but i might sound
 like a freaking creep. sweats a bit. hm okay.
 so after we started talking, we got along (((( i tried to flirt like hell.
 then i bothered you with questioning if you roleplayed on tumblr you did same.
                                                then you ing messed with me and found out i was bora and teased me. bye.

 && then: 

Yoo Ahra
i'm missing my sleep on you
cause too amused
May 3, 2013 · Sent from Chat

and this was the moment you started to miss your sleep 'cause of me. since the start. man. 

Yoo Ahra
you're the only bora I've ever liked so far.

damn, I'd keep posting here a lot of stuff that we've talked but maybe that will make me end this post when it's no
longer the thrird, even though there it's probably the 4th already. i'm sure it is wait. just checked the hours.
damn it. did bad.

damn, i want to see where we first got like really close? but i'm getting lazy already, this has to be the most
thing with effort that i ever did.
for someone. smiles and nudes you.

             we talked all ing night. i'm not even joking. 
         &&& day like 1000 messages is us talking on the 3rd.


May 12, 2013
Yoo Ahra
don't you know ciara
May 12, 2013 · Sent from Chat
because now i'm all "YOUR BODY IS MAH PARTY."
                   I'M LAUGHING SO HARD.
        AND as I'd say in bora. you're the one out of
       everyone's league. specially now. i mean. mine.


okay, honestly I could keep on pasting 29038209840294830947 moments we had but i'm so lazy and i really just want 
  to leave something that will make you really happy? but we all know i'm not really great with words? perhaps i'm not 
great with grammar, definitely not with english pontuation, so i'm sorry ahead for the messed up words that are coming.                                                     
      Dear Elle,
hi, my name is adriana aka ade. pleasure. bye. 
i kid you. did you shake. i'm shaking. 'cause i really don't know what to say? yet i really have a lot to say.
like i said up there, i never thought we'd get this far. you're probably the one person i got close to and never let go.
yeah, people don't know that sometimes we don't talk for a week, or two, or three. but honestly, even we don't talk much, we always end up getting cheesier and more attatched than we were before, or is it just me. probably just me. but even so, i always end up regretting and either clingy to you or watch from a distance, wondering how should i approach. say hi, say i miss you? damn all these questions. mm, we did get closer around hyunsik/yejin on tumblr? but honestly, when did we get this close
ooc? i don't remember, i really don't. but all i know is that if you haven't been here. if I hadn't meet you back in the days, 
everything would possible super different, right?
i'm really thankful we met, i'm thankful we grew closer. i always tell everyone how amazing you are. every time someone 
mentions you i seem like a kid. getting all excited and . be like "oh my god she's perfect." and you know what, 
i'm really happy you gave me the chance to know stuff about you, to learn you, to see all your sides. because,
honestly i feel like i hit the jackpot ( YAAAAHOOOOO ). i had to ok. sweats. like from what you even said, you
rarely trust people and you trust me, i feel so lucky, so happy, so flattered? specially flattered.
you helped me through so much and made me smile so ing much.
you literally wiped my tears virtually loads of times. you helped me feel better. you made me feel like even if all 
was upsetting, even if all was going down i had you. and you knew exactly what to say.
alright, we met ic but we got closer ic, ooc, and in swaggy. specially swaggy???? hah. you know, our thing.
(((((whispers it's 10 minutes to midnight and i need to end this before midnight so is ing epic.
okay. in other words, i love you.
i loved you yesterday, i love you today, i'll love you tomorrow.
and i'm so sorry sometimes i'm so ty and i get upset like for nothing? i'm sorry. i don't mean it. it's just who i am.
and i was actually doing this today 'cause you were feeling down and i couldn't give you yoghurt. hashtag mad.
at least i wanna give you a "letter" and let you smile as soon as you're up ( not possibly. ) 
you know, someday, somehow, everything will get better. i might not know everything that you've been through,
nor what you cry for, but i told you once i'd be here with you, that you didn't have to cry alone anymore.
i didn't lie, i'm here for you okay? no matter at what hour, or what my mood is, or whats on ing tv.
even if i was in a beast concert i'd leave just to hear you if you were crying #real i don't care. I DON'T CARE.
hesintently, looks at the hours and looks at this letter, should i re-read? nah. naaaaaaaaah son. too lazy. you know me.
i don't know what else to write cause i'm stuck in time. 
but just stay with me even if i'm stupidly annoying and clingy some days ( every single day ).
have some yejin and yogurth:


ok sweats. there's no time to add the yoghurt. please don't hate me okay. AT LEAST THERE'S YEJIN.
                           I LOVE YOU A LOT. PLEASE REMEMBER. YOU'RE THE BEST.
yours truly, 


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this is still making me so happy.
you don't even know.
there is so much to cover but i'm too excited to sit down and write it down also.
but god.
do i love you. adore you. treasure you. miss you always. loads.

ade please.
lvllaby #2
made it before midnight. bless.