SKY-EYE Application Form





Personal Information

Name: Kim Sung Yeon

Nickname(s): Yeonnie

Date of Birth: 26-07-1993 / 18 Years old 

Place of Birth: Busan 

Ethnicity: Full Korean 

Height: 170 

Weight: 55

Personality: A polite and gentle girl. She is very shy and sensitive. When she was a small child, she was often bullied for being such a princess. Though so, she has an enormous, kind heart. Often helps children at the orphanage. They remind her of herself. She was once an orphan too,but thankfully, got adopted into a nice, welcoming family. Shed tears easily, and forgive easily, but never forgets. As she grew into a mature lady, her personality changed. She lost her shy-ness, not completely, but almost fully. She could sing in front of others, but its hard for her to be friends with someone. Only has one and two friends, being the shy and sensitive person she is. Often disliked for being such a 'crybaby' and 'princess'. 

Likes :

- Books

- Flowers

- Dolls

- Sparkly, cute things

- Dogs 


- Scary Stuffs

- Lizards

- Gross things

- s

- Being at a club/disco/crowded places 


- Writing Lyrics

- Singing

- Dancing

- Playing the Piano

- Helping out the Orphanage


Fidgeting when nervous, and pacing around when she's on the phone. 


Links :






Name of ulzzang: Song Ah Ri 

Family/friends/background Information


(Since she was adopted, I will put the family members that adopted her.) 

Father | 40 | Owner of Hyundai Car Company | Even though Sung Yeon isn't his real daughter, he treats her like one. He would work hard for his family, and spent reasonable amount of time with them. Even though he's rich, it doesn't stop him to be a kind man. Has a childish, loving personality that Yeonnie loves. 

Mother | 38 | Housewife | Unable to have a child. That's the reason they adopted Sung Yeon. But they raised her well, just like their one child. Loves her family dearly. A lovable woman. Cheerful, Sweet and Beautiful. Can get a little bit over-protective about Yeonnie, but lets her go if she thinks she'll be safe. 

Best Friend:

IU | They met at a park. IU was there, all alone. She seemed sad, so Yeonnie tried to cheer her up. But being the shy person she was, she failed. Miserably. However, her failure made IU laugh. Soon, they became great friends. IU being her one, and only best friend. Yeonnie was memerized by IU's beautiful voice, and always asked IU to sing for her. IU always refuses, but at the end, her heart melted. 


Bae Suzy | She met Suzy through IU. Suzy was IU's best friend, thus gaining the label 'friend' from Yeonnie. At first they didn't get along too well. But after things got sorted out, they became friends.  

Stage Information

Stage Name: Yeonnie. 

Position: Vocalist + Sub Dancer 

Official FanClub: Fliers 

Individual FanClub: Little Angels 


f(x)'s Sulli : You were great friends with her once, since you were her highschool friend. But then, after she debuted, things changed. She left you for her new friends in SM and never even contacted you. You tried calling her once, but she said some rude things about you being jealous of her and stuff. To fix things, you tried to auditionfor SM-Ent, where you suprisingly got accepted. You met her a few times while she was rehearsaling, making her angry at the fact that you're one label with her. 


Partner: Kim Myungsoo 

How you met: You met him at the supermarket. When you were trying to get some ingredient that you couldn't reach, he helped reach those for you. You recognized him as Infinite's Myungsoo. You were a huge fan of him before you became a trainee, so you introduced yourself and thanked him for helping you. Even though he doesn't talk much, you two became great friends. And soon, you realized that you've developed feelings for him. 

Past relationship: None 

About partner: Your first impression of him was nice. He has helped you countless times. Even though he's not the type to talk much, he still enjoy a few bits of conversation with you.


Password : Cows 


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