Is it that hard to say Sorry?

I don't understand why people find it hard to say the word SORRY. Aish~

Just like my father awhile ago, he accidentally stepped on my wounded toe. I screamed in pain and expected a "sorry" from him. But he was saying it's my fault. OTL Yes it was an accident but was that hard to say the word? He was always like that. And I'm always pissed off. I love my father he's the best for me. But I really don't like that kind of attitude.

I remember my blockmate who hurt me accidentally, and he didn't even look at me. The hell! He still owe me that word. Aish~

Sorry and Thank You are important words for me. If you hurt someone (physically, emotionally or verbally) I think you should say Sorry. And if someone made you a favor, I think you should thank him. These words aren't enough most of the time but these are important for the first step of your apology or gratitude. ~.~ 

asdsfddsdfdgdftyffgdfgfgf -_-


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hopelesswriter #1
i totally agree with you. i find 'sorry' n 'thank you' the easiest words to say, not because they're said insincerely but because they're basic expressions n manners we just need to have n practice in life. no excuses.