iLoveToSmile's Survey [stolen from ThatFabAuthor]



Nicknames? || Jess, Jessie, Baby J, Asian, etc xD

Where do you live? || Jupiter obvs 

What's your age? || 17 ^_^

Hair colour? || really, really, really, dark brown.

Eye colour? || dark brown.

|| five foot two.

Shoe size? || usually 8 or 8 1/2

Date of Birth? || January 12th

What's your star sign? || Capricorn

|| definitely do not know

How many siblings? || two

How many pets? || we have fish, but I don't usually interact with them lmfao

Obsessions? || effing in love with EXO, mainly Kris, and the pairing of Kang Ha Neul and Kim Ji Won <3

Bad habits? || I judge people by first impressions

Phobias? || a lot of animals freak me out lmfao


What makes you happy? || when this one person texts me, my family, friends, music, kdramas, etc.

What really irritates you? || chalk boards, and people who can never make up their mind.

What makes you sad? || music, kdramas, when my mom is sad gets me more than anything.

What makes you angry? || WHEN THERE IS NO WIFI.

What makes you scared? || just being alone in general, and the future.

Who is your best friend? || Her name is Ella.

Ever broken a bone? || thankfully no.

What's the best advice you've ever received? || "you don't deserve a douchebag, you're far better than that."

What trainers do you own? || huh? 

What was the last CD you bought? || KPOP related? Teen Top's No. 1 album

What was the last book you read? || The Lovely Bones

Who was the last person you spoke to? || my sister

What was the last thing you ate? || pizza

What was the last thing you drank? || water

What's the best thing you've ever bought? || My parents actually bought this, but my Samsung Galaxy S5 <3

What's the worst thing you've ever bought? || random things lmfao

What's the best thing you've ever been given? || ^^

What's the worst thing you've ever been given? || a sweater I never wore

What are your future goals? || be happy and successful.

Describe your bedroom? || posters, stuffed animals, my happy place.

What's your most embarrassing moment? || just any time someone's seen me dance lmfao

Who do you consider the most beautiful woman in the world? || my mom of course <3 

Who do you consider the most handsome man in the world? || Kim JongHyun of SHINee may not be my ultimate bias or anything, but man is he too good looking. Along with Zac Efron, ooh bb.

Favourite thing to do on a hot summers day? || sit in my room, as always lmfao.

Favourite thing to do on a snowy winters day? || make hot chocolate <3

If you were granted 3 wishes, what would they be? || world peace, never ending money, and more wishes. 

If you could go back in time to see or change something, when would it be and what would you do? || I'm not really sure to be honest.

What's the first thing you think about when you wake up? || I don't wanna get up

What exactly were you doing on September 11th as the terrorist attacks were being carried out in America? || pretty sure I was at school

Have you ever been in love? || honestly, I think I was close.

Do you believe in the after-life? || yes.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years time? || I'll be 27, so hopefully I've at least met the person I'm gonna marry and have a good and stable job. 

If you could choose your own death, how would you go? || don't even wanna think about it.

Would you ever consider having plastic surgery? || heck no.  

What's the funniest joke you've ever been told? || I had a really good one in mind but I totally forgot about it. xD

Do you have any regrets in life? || I'm human, so of course, but they've all taught me something.

What advice would you give to a kid? || don't get into KPOP because it will literally ruin your life.

Any hidden talents? || I can sing, and all this fanfiction is a secret as well.

Is yours an 'innie' or 'outie'? || innie

Last job? || student 

Current job? || student 

Dream job? || just famous in general

Who is your hero? || my mom <3  

Describe yourself in 3 words: || mysterious, myself, random.


Favourite colour? || BLACK 

Favourite number? || 12

Favourite animal? || PANDAS

Favourite sport (to play)? || Basketball, volleyball, badminton.

Favourite sport (to watch)? || basketball, and only basketball to be honest.

Favourite soap? || what lmfao

Favourite programme/s? || just kdramas man

Favourite radio station? || 100.7

Favourite movies? || Remember the Titans & Safe Haven

Favourite group? || Male: EXO Female: F(x) 

Favourite song? || Jay Park // Joah will always be my favorite Korean song

Favourite room in the house? || MY BEDROOM

Favourite football team? || don't care

Favourite footballer? || Tramon Williams is hot

Favourite famous celeb/s? || DANIEL PADILLA AND KATHRYN BERNARDO <3

Favourite board game? || Sorry!

Favourite video game/s? || don't do video games.

Favourite PC game? || ^

Favourite food? || CHINESE <3

Favourite fast-food? || McDonalds

Favourite drink? || milk

Favourite magazine? || none

Favourite place? || my bedroom

Favourite cartoon character? || KAI-LAN

Favourite advert/commercial? || none

Favourite day of the week? || I'm a Tuesday girl

Favourite day of the year? || my birthday ;D

Favourite season? || Spring

Favourite car? || don't really care

Favourite shop? || Forever 21 & Charlotte Russe

Favourite holiday? || my birthday lmfao jk Christmas

Favourite girls name? || Alexis or Nicole

Favourite boys name? || TRISTAN 

Favourite country? || Philippines

Favourite smell? || baking cookies

Favourite sound? || Max Schneider's voice >>

Favourite accent? || British 


Coke or Pepsi? || Pepsi

Pen or Pencil? || pencil

Day or Night? || day

Cat or Dog? || dog

Summer or Winter? || Summer

T.V. or Radio? || TV

Brains or Beauty? || both

Cup or Mug? || cup

Neighbours or Home and Away? || huh

Tea or Coffee? || coffee

Gold or Silver? || silver

Brush or Comb? || brush

City or Country? || city

Red or White wine? || I don't drink

Early or Late nighter? || early nighter

Early or Late riser? || early riser

Blonde or Brunette? || Brunette

Scary or Romantic movies? || scary

Board or Computer games? || board

Rugby or Football? || football

Half full or Half empty? || half empty

Long nails or short? || short

Happy and poor or Sad and rich? || I can never answer this question

Swimsuit or Bikini? || swimsuit

Glasses or Contacts? || glasses

Salt and Vinegar or Cheese and Onion? || salt and vinegar

Flowers or Chocolates? || chocolates

Love or Money? || money is love hahahahahah

Hugs or Kisses? || hugs


What are you wearing? || panda pajama pants, t-shirt, hoodie.

What's the latest news? || this one beauty pageant contestant who said someone "passed away" when she meant "passed out" xD

What's the weather like? || I honestly do not know

How do you feel? || nervous


Cried? || not too long ago 

Laughed? || a couple minutes ago

Swore? || I don't swear

Lied? || earlier today I think lmfao

Got drunk? || never

Read a newspaper? || nope

Read your horoscope? || a long, long time ago.

Had a bath/shower? || this morning

Had a cold? || a couple months ago

Smiled at someone? || at school earlier

Gave someone a cuddle? || kind of today, my friend was so upset or something.

Said, 'I love you'? || ^ to that same friend


Who's the nicest? || this one girl in my History class

Who's the funniest? my friend Marina

Who's the most annoying? ooh I'm not mentioning

Who's the best looking? my one friend hehe

Who's the weirdest? I can name a lot lmfao

Who's the chattiest? this one girl

Who's the quietest? this other girl lmfao

Who's the most outrageous? my one friend Marina again lmfao

Who's the shyest? this one girl lmfao

Who's the kindest? isn't this the same as nicest?

Who's the idiot? my whole school


Who's the best? me


What is a turn on? || braces, pretty eyes, khakis, plaid shirts, swag faggish xD

What is a turn off? || someone who does not take care of their hygiene

What physical feature are you attracted to the most? || a sharp nose omg 

Best chat up line? || "aye" lmfao

What's the most irritating thing about them? || they don't understand us at all.

Could you live without them? || I doubt it. 

Describe your ideal partner? || this list would be too long.

What time is it now? || 8:35pm


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krystaljungismybias #1
Neighbours and home and away is australian, haha both are sort of pointless.