The Bookworm

Have you ever been so absorbed in a story that you even forgot that the ground you’re stepping on is the real world? Have you ever been so consumed by the characters’ lives that you started thinking that they’re your friends (or in extreme cases, they’re you?)


Have you ever felt like you wanted to punch that mean girl who wanted to steal the fictional love-of-your-life? Have you ever felt like you just wanted to hug and comfort your fictional bestfriend because she’s been through tough times? Have you ever felt yourself blush when he tells her ‘I love you’ as if he was talking to you?


I have felt all this things. And all these characters, worlds and stories haunt me during my sleep. It even haunts me when I’m awake.


And every single time the story ends, it’s as if you’re betrayed. Betrayed by your friends. It’s  as if they won’t tell you their secrets anymore. And all you can do is move on and read yet another book that’s lying on your desk.


After a while, you’ll encounter yet another betrayal and you go through it over and over again. Because that’s just how it works. Because when the day comes wherein you look back and try to remember the characters… the worlds… the stories… you won’t even recall the betrayal. You recall the best moments. You recall the reason why you read all these stories to begin with. 


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I most definitely felt the things you have mentioned. Everytime I finish a story it's like I am going through a heart break. It's hard to move on especially when you felt like you have lived their life. Sometimes I end up thinking what happened next? In the end I don't get any answers. But then life goes on, we have to move on whether we like it or not.
People who knew me say im a bookworm. i felt all those things you mentioned when i read books. sometimes i even think that whatever universe is in that book, its far more better than.the reality im living in. and when it all ends, i end up getting depressed, unable to move on, and yes feeling betrayed because somehow i wanna know more beyond the ending of the story. oh well. XD
I cannot say that I am a bookworm. Yes, I love books but most of the time I get frustrated with the last book I've read and all I knew is, I was stuck in between. However, I do agree with all the things you say. There are times that I find myself suggesting things to the characters, and sometimes I also feel what they feel and it's... I don't know. I think it's cool because my professor said that if you get attached with the emotions written in the book that means, the writer is effective.
I just don't know with the ones that I tried to write. As a Writing major, it is really hard to not just feel your characters' aches and happiness, but you know, it will be a good thing if you really know your character. And for me, being a bookworm helps because it gives you the opportunity to explore the world of humanity.
I'm not really a bookworm but there are some books that really got me into them. I only read what my friends recommend me, mostly stories about real life, light romance.. But you know those kinds of books that I read always have open endings, which make me crack my mind to create perfect happy endings for it just so myself can be at ease. Haha.