I have to post this ._.

Okay,firstly I want to say thank you bcause you guys click this...lol

Actually I want to tell you guys about this...is about malay tag

-_- /sigh/

***changed to malay mood***

terima kasih sbb sudi singgah post yg ntahpape ni

aku nak bgtau yg aku terpaksa delete malay tag kat shop aku

nak tahu sbb kenapa?

sbbnya kbnyakkan requester aku 95% dari Malaysia.

dan kebanyakkannya x fhm bahasa...lol [kurang ajar kan ayat??!!]

sori,sbb aku betul2 kecewa.

aku x suka lah kalau korang sesuka hati je delete ff korang...I'm like seriously...why?

aku hampir2 nak give up buat poster tau x?

kalau requester dari luar xde la delete2 sesuka hati bapak diorang ._.

penat aku bazirkan masa buat benda2 ni, dah la free of charge,aku x mintak duit pon ._.

tapi please la hargai T^T /flip everything/

by now,i'll not tag in malay for my shop

but you guys can still request any malay poster from my shop~



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Omg sorry but I dun understand Malay.. sorry ><
Nak jgak ... ade link?
Wow, okay. I won't say I'm a Malay. From now on I'm Javanese. Geez, they are like don't have any idea to appreciate people's work. ¬_¬
secretstayafterlove #4
Sorry to say but malays are rude. not all but most.

and I am not proud of my own race.
bbibbisi #5
Blacklist je org yg tak gne poster tu
so,nnt klo nak request sye kena cari nama awak dulu la..
orang yg request tu deleted citer dia lepas dah dapat poster kan?