Explain this to me so that I can understand

I'm posting this blog while waiting for my collab to upload lol

okay, I've seen some authors that have way too many posters for their story.

I say, okay, maybe they didnt like the first one, and the second one, but having like, 8 posters, wth???!!!!

I saw a story today that had a poster designed by one of the best designers on aff, but agian, had requested from other shops multiple times.

how can they?

me, for example. I'm an author too. And well, I love the posters other desiners made for my stories. and to be honest, ther are some parts of the poster I dont like, but i didnt go around and request again and again.

so I really wanna know the reason of their greediness.

I want to understand.


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-notyourself #1
idk, maybe they do like it but they would like to have different posters on every chapter? o:
i don't ask for posters anymore 'cuz either i do them - not now 'cuz my photoshop is stupid -.- and my computer too :/
or i simply use gifs for every chapter :p
well, that has to do with the person
+ not everyone has the same style so it's normal :/
For one of my fanfic, I have many posters cause most of them don't meet my expectations...but I don't request much, mostly asked my friends to do them, only requested twice?
hamskkuma #3
Idk. It happened to me before, but I never requested more than twice for my story.

I think people tend to change the posters for their stories because they feel like it wasn't satisfying?
Or maybe, they want at least the best designers in AFF to make posters for their story? I tend to see people like that, though. And trust me. It's a LOT.
Hmmm... if it's about requesting from multiple shops, i don't understand. the max i have for my stories are two, one was before i started designing, so i requested from a shop and the other was after i started designing coz i wanted to do my own posters. There was one that was done by someone as a favor or she just wanted to do it.

Famous authors like Goddess have soooooooo many posters coz it's all gifts from her fans (including me /smacked). They don't request, but they receive
Personally, I get bored with looking at the same poster over and over again. There are times where I need to something new. But that's just me, I don't know if some other people is like that, either.

I see a lot of popular authors doing it though. dbskgirl4ever and Goddess are one of those few people. >.< And it was cool for me.
yes ikr. and sometimes, they have requested from many shop but only choose one to use in the foreword, without crediting the other shops. it happens a few times to me, and it make me pissed.
lovday #7
I know right? most famous authors, well... if I have to say, they have a new poster for each chapter. and not to say, sometimes it even goes to the extend that they have too much posters and have to put credits below foreword.

wow... too much headache!
paintheskyy #8
People usually mass request, and pick the one that they like best. But because it's not nice to not give credit, they will state those 'unchosen' ones in the foreword. Or this is what I at least think. Hahaha. But revamping is possible to.

Also, I think that even if a poster was to be done up by one of the best designer in AFF doesn't mean that the author must be satisfied with how it turns up. Visual art is very subjective. One man's meat is another man's poison. Perhaps he just don't like that particular poster, but because somebody made the effort and spent time to do it, they feel that its only right to credit them.

Anyway, this is another weird habit that can be spotted on AFF along with silent readers. So, /shrugs
I don't like changing my poster unless a) my first was really bad or b) I'm changing it to something I made myself.

But I've heard that some authors like to "revamp" their fics with new posters and a new layout (personally, I don't like story layouts at all) when they hit a certain point with subbies or upvotes or views or something. Idk though. Lol