A Fading Memory

Sorry for all the poetry posts!



Steel tracks that once balanced

the weight of the industry on its back

Now sit, smothered beneath

Layers of green,

The once smooth, wooden rails,

Now rot slowly, beneath

Carpets of red and green moss.

And all that is left

is a fading memory.


The once clean trails

That surrounded the steel ladder

Which climbed throughout

The countryside

Now flourish; teeming with wildlife

Flowing vines and tiny wildflowers,

Just splashes of green and yellow upon

A fading memory.


The serpent winds in and out of

A sea of green,

Following the footsteps of the past

No longer bearing the burden

Of the giant steel package

That once rode upon its shoulders

Slowly losing its identity

As it slowly becomes just

A fading memory.


An abandoned railroad,

Rests within a garden of weeds

No longer carrying

The American dream upon its

deteriorating tracks,

The once gleaming wood

Slowly crumbling,

Nostalgic of

A fading memory



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Nice imagery ; ~ ;