On second thought~

Sorry AFF peeps. If you've read my previous blog then you'll understand this second one.. Deactivating is a bad idea since I might lose my account and fics.. I'll just be on hiatus then just to save my account and works. I'm terribly sorry and forgive this pabo here -.- I'll be leaving for a month or two.. * sighs * I've been terribly depressed lately.. I'll be back once I feel like myself again.. Stay safe everyone.. To my readers and subscribers, DorkyAuthor bids farewell for now.. :(


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PipTheTerror #1
See you in a month or two, homez ;)
Enjoy hiatus

- PiP.
blackwolfrebellion #2
You little tease... get better and rest a lot!!! I'll miss your dorkiness!!! ^^
Haha...ur so funny!^^

Okay!i'll see u soon then,DorkyAuthor!
Take care and stay healthy....
Haha...ur so funny!^^

Okay!i'll see u soon then,DorkyAuthor!
Take care and stay healthy....
Hey..r u okay?