Issues, issues and issues.

I am about to rant about friendship matters so idk if it's a taboo subject. So if you experience any of this before, please just help or something. I am 12 years old so this may seem common to you guys if you are older than me.


So I have this friend that is crushing on a guy. So let's call this friend, Kyungmi. 

Kyungmi thinks I'm stupid, which I'm not. She has this best friend who always sticks with her, we'll call this best friend, HyunJi.

So just the start of this year, HyunJi told me she hated Kyungmi. I hated Kyungmi too, so we started hating on her together. Then, we decided we would tell Kyungmi we hate her. HyunJi did it first. Kyungmi did not react, she hanged out with me the next day. She apologized to me for treating me badly last time. She told me she actually thought I was extra in the cliche, and she apologized for thinking so. I told her it was alright. 

Amazingly, Kyungmi became friends with HyunJi once again— I do not know how. But HyunJi told me she still hated Kyungmi. So we decided we would tell TOGETHER this time, and we did. But the next day, they treated like nothing happened before. 

Now, that was for the past few months. 

Recently, they are crushing on the same person, with another friend who joined the cliche, lets call her ChoHee.

So, Kyungmi,HyunJi and Chohee were crushing on the same person. But, no they did not fight. And just to let you know, he was a total stranger to them. They met up with the stranger, which agreed to meet up with them. Let's give the stranger a name—JunHee. 

Kyungmi was a , and forever will be one. Like fnluvmusic said, HyunJi was brainwashed by Kyungmi. Even ChoHee became like them.  I had been friends with Kyungmi for 6 years, I know when she is lying and when she is not. 

After she 'brainwashed' Chohee and HyunJi. They became as y as Kyungmi. Usually when Kyungmi does something wrong, she will push it to someone else. HyunJi and Chohee were not like that, until they got 'brainwashed' by Kyungmi.

Kyungmi lied to me countless of times, examples are yesterday and today. Since our examinations are coming up, we were having oral examination. After oral, we could go back home. But I went to a bubble tea shop with AmanPau and Fnluvmusic and friends. After leaving the bubbletea shop, I called up Kyungmi. She told me she was at home when I ask her. But in the background, I heard, "AY! Fion is here leh." Which obviously means she IS at the bubbletea shop. Yesterday, Chohee was not there with them. Only HyunJi was with Kyungmi. And when I text her, 'A liar is worse than a betrayer.', she accused fnluvmusic of being a tattletale. Just what the hell? The teacher has even called up her parents before to tell her about her behavior.


Today, I waited to go home with her since I have no one to go home with. So KyungMi told me she's going home, but she wasn't. Chohee was with them this time. Chohee did not know where they were going either. So I was walking with Chohee and Kyungmi since HyunJi was already waiting for them at their destination. Then HyunJi called Kyungmi, they pretended to talk about other things, they thought I was stupid. I obviously know they are going to run away from me. But they decided I was stupid and just run away thinking I WOULD chase them. So I just walked in the other direction when they ran.

i seriously think they are going to see JunHee but their problems aren't mine anymore. I hate them forever and will do. 

Sorry for rant but yeah, I'm done. Byeee.

(I've already posted this in Exotic_baby_sulay account so if you guys happen to be friends with me on that account ignore this. :/)



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:C I'm nawt a betrayer at all.. but they accuse meh. The trust in meh ish so less. That proves everything.
MyungRi #2
Wow, that's actually very mean of them. :(