Editing. Ugh


So I was browsing through old pictures here in my old computer for the sake of old times (lol, that's way too many old)

And I found this picture that caught my interest and so I had to open Ps and started editing randomly. It lasted for a quarter hour, I think? Not much work aside from choosing which one to use from a wide array of fonts and this is how it came out:




The title was random. I don't know where I got that, lol. It just popped in my head. And so does the tagline which pretty much came from the song "Wake me up when september ends" by Greenday. And nope, I am not thinking of writing a story. But I might. If I figure out what False Awakening truly is about.


So... any thoughts?


(Ps. Not the best edit out there, but hey, don't bash me. I assure you, not MY best edit either XD)


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I would love to see your best edit then tbh. I like it, it's really nice OAO
It's beautiful ^.^ a lot better than I could ever do and the colors are really pretty.
Bonus points for using Teuk's picture haha.
And if you turned this into a story I would definitely read it!