I wan to be heard.

Wanna hear some of my story? Well, I failed my math subject AGAIN. I failed it once but now I failed it again. Wanna know why? It's because of my ing professor. I don't know what I did wrong, or what I said to him but I feel like he's so mad at me. I didn't even do anything. I respected him, but what happened? He humiliates me in front of the whole class everyday, he calls me stupid everyday. Makes me feel like everyday. See? That's how good he is. The truth is, I should be passed now, but since he loved me that ing much. He failed me again. So I broke down. Cried and cried till my eyes starts to hurt too much. I was depressed. Too depressed. Negativity took the best of me. The demons was starting to eat me.. The only thing that eases the pain a bit was me self cutting or self harming. And it's addictive. Look, I'm sorry if you read this blog. I just wanted to share this feeling I'm feelin right now. To ease the pain a little bit. Please bear with me. Since my mom won't listen to me anyway. Oh, want to know the other worst part? The one I considered a friend for two years, she pitied me. Not because she cared for me but because she said I look too pitiful. , right? to be me. She also said that she won't help me since it's not her problem. I don't even know if I should still consider her as a friend, though. Okay fine, I'll stop. I don't want you guys to hate me. 


-- Kimmy


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