one y e a r.

according to where I live now,
it's been one year since I made an account on aff.
it's like 12:25AM in the morning now,
so I can't do a proper message, but I'll try my best. 

thank you to everyone who has supported me all this while.
I believe I don't have to mention you, you know who you are.
thank you to all my readers, who have faithfully waited for me (being the lazyass I am) to update.
I don't know how else I can thank you all for being here <3
you're all very lovely. :)

gosh... I really don't know what else to say ;_;
ily, all of you. <3 xoxo

*is half asleep*

a proper message tomorrow --> if I don't get lazy.


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Congrats Tammy! :D
Congrats awesomegirl<3
I'm so glad I met you here in AFF<3
Sleep tight, k? ;) ily.
Congrats once again<3
Congrats on your first year AFF anniversary XD
This also includes your previous account, right? :)

Wow...I feel like the year has gone by fast XD
christine-theuncool #4
Happy one year! :D stinkin' AFF where I live says you've only been a member since 5/4/2011. Those liars! ;c;
Yay ;_;
byunqrins_ #6
happy one year anniversary! c:
LonelyDay #7
Happy 1st Anniversary~
Aw, I love you too Tammy ♥
Goodnight! ;D
Congrats once again ^^
It's been most of our one year already... Hahas, feel like crying again XD
Get some sleep!