
I finally told my mom the problem that I have. She must have been very disappointed. I cried and cried till my eyes hurt like hell. I wish that this time, she'll tell me that it's fine and everything will be alright.. Please.. Just this once.


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*if he won't really listen and do the right thing.
dude, you'll be fine. yes, she'll get a bit disappointed but she'll understand you like my mom did. she suggest we should transfer to another school. but if we can't she suggest that, if that will happen again (the professor thingy) we should record what he'll say or do for solid proofs and she said your mom should really talk to him. and report him to the dean.
It's okay, we'll all be here to comfort you. Hope you wouldn't feel stressed anymore and I'll remembered to pray for ur mum to tell you that it's fine! ^v^