Please Help!

Hi there everyone, Please Help me like, SO BADLY~!


So, i was using gimp to make a poster when i copied an image of snsd and made it into a new layer but the problem is, the image wasn't colourful, it was PINK!! Just like the colour of the background, pink! Doesn't anyone knows how to solve it? ;w; Please, i really need your help!





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@1995dark i did,
@blacklover_1995 Thanks^^ I solved it finally,
Thans you both^^
I just re read it again and the background was pink lol. I had the same issue when I had a gray background. Whenever I tried to add a new layer, it would always be gray for some reason. But then I noticed that every picture said RGB but the background said grayscale. So I googled it up on how to change a grayscale picture and got my result and I fixed the background to RGB and the pictures never turned gray ever again :) Anyways, this is what you do. Whenever a picture always says something besides RGB, then change it to RGB, otherwise you will get the same problem again. To change the thing to RGB, you go to file, then go down to image, the click mode, then click RGB. If it didnt work, I'm sorry >.<
Was the background pink? If it was, I know how to solve it :) If not, sorry >.<
just download picture from net and then add it as another layot