I'm back!!!!

Hey guys!! How r u? Me? Im super duper fine!! I'm soo tired from my camping trip. Huhu... But its fun ^^ let me tell u my experience there. I was in a group 1 called NIGA GREEN. Weird name..hahaha XD. Anyway in that group im the oldest. And the captain of our group is not me but a boy named Jamal. He is quiet cute and responsible. Cuz of him our group won many activities. Love him sooo much as sister and brother. Not more. Before our last day, he said that im cute, pfft.. I'm cute?? Pabo. I'm not cute but his crush is more cuter. *shut my mouth* ops! I slipped something I shouldn't share. But who cares. I miss my juniors~~~ but I miss u guys more!!huhu :( next week I have a mid year exam. Wahh!! :'( I hate exam!! But I have to faced it and get excellent results for my parents. Hmmm... Okay. I miss u guys!!


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newtokpop09 #1
good luck unnie:)
awww I bet you're cute:) glad u had fun:)
good luck on your exams...^^ fighting
You sounded like you had alot of fun~ :)

Hwaiting on your exams~ :)
wonderful_winter #4
unnie !!!!! what the name !!!!!